Chotiner tnyi noamchomsky

Noam Chomsky - 1928-Current

  • Birth of Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky was born December 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (McGilvray, 2020).
  • First Noteable "Publication"

    At age 10, Chomsky wrote an entry for his school newspaper "lamenting the fall of Barcelona in the Spanish Civil War and the rise of Facism in Europe." (MvGilvray, 2020)
  • Beginning of Formal Education

    Beginning of Formal Education
    In 1945, at age 16, Chomsky began to study language at the University of Pennsylvania. He almost dropped out two years later but decided against it after meeting professors that were improving the field (McGilvray, 2020).
  • Master's Thesis and Harvard

    In 1951, Chomsky was a Junior Fellow at Harvard University. He wrote his Master's Thesis "The Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew" and "The Logical Structure of the Linguistic Theory"(McGilvray, 2020).
  • Syntactic Structures

    Syntactic Structures
    This was Noam's first major work, and the work he is most famous for. It lays the groundwork for what would soon be known as his theory of universal grammar.
  • Grammar Theory (video)

    Noam Chomsky is best known for his theory of universal grammar. Please enjoy this short video that explains some of the basics of that theory.
  • Grammar Theory

    "In the 1960s, linguist Noam Chomsky proposed a revolutionary idea: We are all born with an innate knowledge of grammar that serves as the basis for all language acquisition. In other words, for humans, language is a basic instinct." (Medical Daily, 2020). He theorized that even though we are taught many aspects of language, language itself is instinct. In the video, Green explains that even babies can understand far before they can speak, solidifying Noam's controversial theory.
  • Guggenheim Fellowship for Humanities US & Canada

    This fellowship is made for those who have "already demonstrated exceptional capacity fro productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts." (John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2020). Chomsky won his place in 1971.
  • APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology

    In 1984, Chomsky won this award for his contributions to the field of psychology.
  • Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences

    Chomsky won this award in 1988 for his work in research.
  • Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction

    In 1992, Chomsky was given the award for "writing, lecturing, and teaching on linguistics, philosophy, contemporary issues, intellectual history, international affairs, and U.S. foreign policy." (Lannon Foundation, 2020).
  • Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science

    Chomsky won this award "For his contributions to the world of linguistics and their effects on computer science, and insight into human thought processes. (Franklin Institute, 2020).
  • Sydney Peace Prize

    Chomsky won this award for his many humanitarian efforts and contributions.