Britta Busche's Timeline of Technology

  • Video Rewinder

    Video Rewinder
    This was one of the first things I remember using technology as a child.
  • VCR

    VCRs were amazing when they first came out. Watching all the disney movies :)
  • First phone

    First phone
    All I remember is playing snake on this phone. And calling my mom to have her pick me up from dance.
  • Razor Phone

    Razor Phone
    This was the coolest phone in the world, back in 6th grade.
  • Bluray

    Bluray first came out I believe in 2003.
  • Blackberry

    I was obsessed with blackberries. Even when the Iphone came out, I refused to switch at first.
  • iPod Touch

    iPod Touch
    iPod touches were so cool when they first came out. Who knew you could scroll to your favorite song right on the screen.
  • HTC

  • iPad

    iPads are the coolest. Who wouldn't want a smaller, handheld computer?
  • Iphone 5

    Iphone 5
    Finally! The iPhone 5.