New nation

  • Constitution

    Members meet in Philadelphia PA to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of confederation.
  • A new constitution is adopted

    A new constitution is adopted
    To fix the problem of unsatisfied people they adopted a new constitution. After 13 years the state finally came together and wrote a new constitution.
  • Whisky rebellion

    Whisky rebellion
    A new tax against whisky is put out, and a rebellion to get rid of the tax starts. Protests, and battles begin as soon as the word was spread, some more major than others.
  • Tax on whisky

    Tax on whisky
    After the bill of rights is approved, a tax on whisky is put out, and forces many to stop drinking. This tax also crated many rebelions on the goverment.
  • Officially adopted The Bill of Rights

    Officially adopted The Bill of Rights
    After wanting a new constitution, they finally adopted The Bill of Rights. This came after writing a new draft of the constitution.
  • Political parties

    Political parties
    After the tax many political parties began to take sides, and many people were split up. This was cause by democratic and federalists picking sides, and eventually splitting up.
  • Fries rebellion

    Fries rebellion
    During the rebellion on the whiskey taxes, Fries made his own huge tax. This tax was on how big a house was, how many windows, and many other characteristics, this caused many furious house owners.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This war took place with the United States and the United Kingdom’s it needed with no winner. Even so, with it came a time that all that lived in that area felt piece and freedom had finally came to them.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    This war took place at Lake Erie. Both the British side and the American side were fighting for the ownership of the Great Lakes.
  • Ghent ends the war

    Ghent ends the war
    During the war of 1812, Ghent ended the war in 1814. He took the war into his own hands by calling a treaty, that ended the war