New Deal

  • Revenue Act(New Deal)

    Revenue Act(New Deal)
    Introduced the Wealth Tax. Raised United States rates across the board as the average income greatly increased. This was instituted as reform two help end national poverty.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act(New Deal)

    Emergency Banking Relief Act(New Deal)
    Helped reopen banks and restore peoples faith in banks. The Government gave money to banks to reopen and cover anything they needed. This was a form of reform as it reopened banks and helped change how Americans stored their money.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps Act(New Deal)

    Civilian Conservation Corps Act(New Deal)
    Required that the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) recruit unemployed young men from urban areas to perform conservation work throughout the nation's forests, parks, and fields. This administration was formed for relief and recovery throughout America as it provided millions of jobs.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act(New Deal)

    Federal Emergency Relief Act(New Deal)
    This act gave $500 million directly to the people. Provided for the hungry, the jobless, and the homeless. This was a relief act and a recovery act as it helped feed the starving and helped get the people out of poverty.
  • Securities Act of 1933(New Deal)

    Securities Act of 1933(New Deal)
    Required corporations to register securities with the Federal Trade Commission to prevent fraudulent issues. This act was a type of reform as it changed how the economy and large businesses would be ran in hopes of ending fraud as well as minimize the wealth gap.
  • Home Owners' Act(New Deal)

    Home Owners' Act(New Deal)
    Created Home Owners' Loan Corporation to refinance mortgages on residences and prevent foreclosures. Was reform as it helped change how mortgages and homes were handled in hopes of keeping people in homes rather than on the streets.
  • Glass-Steagal(New Deal)

    Glass-Steagal(New Deal)
    Increased power of the Federal Reserve Board to oversee transactions of the Federal Reserve System, created the temporary Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC). This was a type of reform in hopes of fixing the government.
  • Works Progress Administration(2nd New Deal)

    Works Progress Administration(2nd New Deal)
    Focused on giving jobs to young people and minorities. Built bridges, schools, sewer systems, and more. By 1943 it had employed 13 million people. This was a form of relief as it worked to provided jobs and money for millions of people.
  • National Labor Relations Act(2nd New Deal)

    National Labor Relations Act(2nd New Deal)
    Created NLRB- allowed works to collectively bargain with employers. Prohibited employers from firing employees after a strike and restricted other anti-union tactics. This created reform as it changed the way employers could treat their employees.
  • Social Security Act(2nd New Deal)

    Social Security Act(2nd New Deal)
    Designed to relieve poverty level of the elderly. Gave money to mothers, unemployed, and children. This was a form of reform in America.
  • Committee for Industrial Organization(2nd New Deal)

    Committee for Industrial Organization(2nd New Deal)
    It was formed to encourage the AFL to organize workers in mass production industries along industrial union lines. Represented the changing labor ways and industrial labor forces to hopefully provided everyone with better work. This was a form of reform.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act(2nd New Deal)

    Fair Labor Standards Act(2nd New Deal)
    Banned child labor, as well as established minimum wage and maximum work hours. This was a form of reform as it changed who and how hard people could work.