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Neils Bohr - Samuel Beck Timeline

By SamBeck
  • Neils Bohr : October 7th 1885 – November 18th 1962

    Neils Bohr : October 7th 1885 –  November 18th 1962
    Neils Bohr, the father of the classical atomic model, was a Danish scientist and Nobel Prize recipient. He is considered by many to be one of the most influential scientists/philosophers of the 20th century. At 18 years old, Bohr enrolled in the University of Copenhagen where he began his studies in physics. In 1911, Bohr received his doctorate in physics. He was one of the forefathers of the development of harnessing atomic energy and illustrated the Borh Model of atomic nuclei.
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    College Years/The Development of the Bohr Model

    Neils Borh, building off of Ernest Rutherford's atomic model proposal, developed his own atomic model that better explained the movement and positions of electrons orbiting an atomic nuclei. Bohr speculated that electrons don't randomly orbit a nuclei, rather they change orbit/energy levels and release electromagnetic energy while doing so. Video Below. The Bohr Model
  • The Bohr Model and it's Importance/Post Graduate Studies

    The Bohr Model and it's Importance/Post Graduate Studies
    Much like how Galileo adapted Aristotle's studies on gravity to better explain the theory, Bohr used Rutherford's model to further our understanding on atomic nuclei. He developed his model that explained the orbit of electrons, how they gave off electromagnetic radiation by moving energy levels, and how electrons determined the chemical properties of the element. Electrons would give off EMR by moving energy levels.
    Niels Bohr
  • Bohr's Nobel Prize and Events After

    Bohr's Nobel Prize and Events After
    Bohr was recognized for his outstanding work with furthering our understanding atomic structure and properties in 1912. The impact of his discoveries are still accepted over a century later. His development of the concept of complementarity brought forth the understanding of quantum mechanics in the years before his death. Bohr was arguably the most influential scientist of his time. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922