
Naturalism by: Holly Danielson

By 36198
  • Exposition: This story is set in the Klondike in Alaska, on a bleak day in January. The frost was sixty-degrees below zero, an there was thirty miles of lonely trail to cover.

    This story is set in the Klondike in Alaska, on a bleak day in January. The frost was sixty-degrees below zero, an there was thirty miles of lonely trail to cover.
  • Exposition: Tom Vincent was a handsome young fellow, big and muscular, faithful and strong.

    Tom Vincent was a handsome young fellow, big and muscular, faithful and strong.
  • Rising Action: The first instance of the rising action is the first chill of frost when he takes off the mitten to eat a biscut.

    The first instance of the rising action is the first chill of frost when he takes off the mitten to eat a biscut.
  • Rising Action: The second instance of the rising action is when he felt the need for a nose strap.

    The second instance of the rising action is when he felt the need for a nose strap.
  • Rising Action: The third instance of the rising action is when Tom finds the frozen creek.

    The third instance of the rising action is when Tom finds the frozen creek.
  • Climax: The climax of the story is when Tom Vincent falls through the ice.

    The climax of the story is when Tom Vincent falls through the ice.
  • Falling Action: The first instance of the falling action is when he builds a fire after falling through the ice.

    The first instance of the falling action is when he builds a fire after falling through the ice.
  • Falling Action: The second instance of the falling action is when Tom takes off his gloves.

    The second instance of the falling action is when Tom takes off his gloves.
  • Falling Action: The final instance of the falling action is when he cut off his moccasins.

    The final instance of the falling action is when he cut off his moccasins.
  • Resolution: The resolution is when Tom Vincent dies.

    The resolution is when Tom Vincent dies.