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NASA Timeline of Events

  • Sputnik 1 lunched in space

    Sputnik 1 lunched in space
    Summary: The first satellite sent into space, was about the size of a beach ball. Signifcance: The start of the Space Race.
  • Dog in space

    Dog in space
    Summary: Laika was the first dog sent to orbit the earth, rode on Sputnik 2, held by the Russians. Significance: To see if life could go in space.
  • 1st US satellite to be launched into space

    1st US satellite to be launched into space
    Summary: US satellite that was launched was called Explorer 1. Significance: THe fisrt US accomplishment for satellite making.
  • Nasa Founded

    Nasa Founded
    Summary: A program for america activities in space. Significaned: Space exploration.
  • Monkey in space

    Monkey in space
    Summary: A squrrel monkey that was launched into space. Signifance: To see if life could be launched into space.
  • First man to orbit the earth

    First man to orbit the earth
    Summary: The first human to orbit the earth, he was a Russian named Yuri A. Gagarin. Significance: Frist man in space.
  • First US man to orbit the earth

    First US man to orbit the earth
    Summary: Jhon Glenn first US man to orbit earth. Significance: Space Race.
  • First woman in space

    First woman in space
    Summary: Valentina Treeshkova was the fisrt woman in space not the first U.S. woman in space.
  • First space walk

    First space walk
    Summary: Ed White did the first space walk in the history of space. Sigmificance: The man who help US become first in the Space Race.
  • Gemini 7

    Gemini 7
    Summary: The flight was to see the effects that space would do on your body in space. Significance: This mission was important because it was to see if astronauts could stay in space for a period of time
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Summary: The flight that was used to land on the moon.
  • 1st man on the moon

    1st man on the moon
    Summary: Neil Armstrong went on the moon and placed the flag on the moon to symbolise US was on the moon. Significance: This event was a huge important date in the space race because it was the first human to set foot in the moon. This is important because this challenge was never done intill July 20th, 1969. No one could do it yet because they did not have the technology untill then.