My Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on the 5th of June, 2002, a day before the anniversary of the invasion of Normandy, in Brisbane, Australia. and I was a planned baby.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina hit the United States. Hurricane Katrina was an extremely destructive and deadly tropical cyclone that was the costliest natural disaster and one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States.
  • iPhone release

    iPhone release
    The iPhone, commonly thought of as the father of all modern smartphones, was released in 2007. It was unveiled by Steve Jobs at a reveal conference.
  • Operation Neptune Spear

    Operation Neptune Spear
    Operation Neptune Spear was an operation executed by SEAL Team Six. The goal (which was accomplished) was to locate and eliminate Al-Qaeda leader and 9/11 mastermind, Osama bin Ladin.
  • Death of Kim Il Sung

    Death of Kim Il Sung
    Kim Il Sung, ruthless dictator of North Korea, died in 2011, leaving his power and country to his son, Kim Jong Un.
  • Moving to America

    Moving to America
    Me and my family moved to Irvine, California and then (after realizing how immensely expensive this is) moved to North Carolina.
  • Moving (again)

    Moving (again)
    I moved from Charlotte to Stanley and enrolled in Stanley Middle School,
  • Chelbayinsk Meteor

    Chelbayinsk Meteor
    in 2013, a large meteor, known as the Chelyabinsk Meteor, hit Russia.
  • Building my first PC

    Building my first PC
    I built my first PC when I was 13 in 2015. It had mediocre specs at first, then I later upgraded it over time, It died to a power surge caused by a lightning strike in 2016.
  • Starting at East Gaston

    Starting at East Gaston
    I started at East Gaston, obviously as a Freshman, in 2017. Memes are memes and dreams are also memes. That previous sentence was added to meet the three sentence requirement, as is this one.