English (1)

My language timeline

By neuss98
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Barcelona the 8th of October, 1998.
  • My first English class

    My first English class was at school when I was 6 years old.
  • My first day in an English academy

    My first day in an English academy
    At fifth of primary, I started in an English academy of Sant Quirze, called Fiac.
  • Trip to Edimburgh

    Trip to Edimburgh
    In this trip, I visited Edimurgh, which I think is a very beautiful city, but I also practised a bit of English.
  • Change to another academy

    Change to another academy
    After 3 years studying English in Fiac, I changed to International House, in Sabadell. Nowadays I still studying in this academy.
  • Trip to London

    Trip to London
    In August I visited this lovely city and I practised a bit of English, I tried to speak with everybody, the recepcionist, the people in the museums, the metro assistants... All the people were very kind.