My history timeline

  • My birthday

    I was born in 21th Sep 1999
  • European Championship

    In 2000, the European Championship took place on 6th Aug.2000
  • The earthquake in Gujarat, India.

    An earthquake strikes Gujarat, India. Over 20,000 are reported dead.
  • Space shuttle Atlantis returned to Earth

    Space shuttle Atlantis returned to Earth after the successful completion of its mssion to the International Space Station. Atlantis landed at Runway 33 at the Kennedy Space Center.
  • Shenzhou-5 spacecraft went into space

    China became the third nation to launch a man into space. On Board the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft was Chinese Taikonaut Yang Liwei.
  • The earthquake and tsunami in the Indonesia

    The Sumatran-Andaman earthquake in the Indian Ocean generates a tsunami that killed between 170,000 and 240,000 people. The magnitude of this earthquake was around 9.15 on the Richter scale.
  • George W.Bush was swom into office for his second term

    United States President George W. Bush was sworn into office for his second term.
  • Sadaam Hussein was put to death

    Deposed Iraqi dictator Sadaam Hussein was put to death by hanging after having been sentenced to death for crimes against humanity.
  • Apple Computer releases the iPhone in the United States.

    Apple Computer releases the iPhone in the United States.
  • The opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics

    Beijing held the Olympic Games in 2008.
  • Barak Obama was inaugurated as president of the US

    Barak Obama was inaugurated as President of the United States. President Obama is the 44th President and the first African American to hold that office.
  • Icelandic Vocanic eruption

    The vocanic erupted on 1st Apr.2010
  • The universiade took place in Shenzhen, China

    On 12th Aug.2011, the universiade took place in Shenzhen, China.
    It attracted lots of foreigners.
  • London Olympic Games

    London Olympic Games held successfully.
  • I went into secondary school

    I went into SIS secondary school this year on 20th Aug.