My history

  • 1350


    Disease That kills millions of people in Europe.
  • 1445

    1445 Slave Trade with Western Europe

    People from Portugal would travel to Africa by boat. They would fight with the people there and would take slaves back to sell or trade.This led to the trade rout between Afrcia and Europe.
  • 1480

    1480 Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire took power over the Middle East. With the power they took over the routes used to trade with The Indies. They shut down the silk road.
  • 1488

    1488 Dias

    The king of Portugal sent explorers ( Dias) out to find a different route to the Indies. He was first to go around Africa. They stayed close to land.Took 1 year to get to Southern Africa and back.
  • 1492

    1492 Columbus

    Columbus tried to find a new way to the Indies and found a new land that is now Cuba. The islands around it are the West Indies.He claims this new land for Spain.
  • 1513

    1513 Ponce de Leon

    He was the 1st European from Spain to step foot on US soil. He looked for the fountain of youth but did not find it.
  • 1535

    1535 Cartier

    French explorer trying to fine new route to the Indies and discovered the Great Lakes of North America. He sailed what is now the Lawrence River.
  • 1550

    1550 Native impact

    How did the Europeans explorers effect Native people.Some people were killed by fighting most died from diseases that they had never had before.
  • 1565

    1565 St Augustine

    First permanent settlement in The U.S. Found by Spain.
  • 1585 English attempt a colony at Roanoke

    England tries to set up a colony but fails because they dont have the supplies they need. They dont know what happened to the people,
  • 1587 Roanoke again

    John White took people back to Roanoke to try again. They did't have what they needed so John went back to get more supplies. The queen took his ship. It took him 3 years to get back. When he returned on one was there.
  • 1607 Jamestown

    Jamestown is the 1st permanent English colony. Built 1st church. Also a store house was built for storage. England is the last of the main powers from Europe to start a colony in the U.S. Jamestown is the current Virginia Tabacco is the crop that saved them.
  • 1609-Hudson

  • Jamestown part 2 1610

    John Roth The starving time. John is the man that brought the tabacco that saved them. He married Pocahontas,
  • 1620-Plymouth

  • 1681-Pennsylvania

  • 1732-Georgia

    The last of the 13 colonies is started called GGeorgia. It is part of the colonies that had large plantations.
  • 1754 French Indian War

    Britain (England) asked the Indians to fight the French. England wants to get control of France's land. Let's the Indians live on the land.
  • 1763 Proclamation Line

    King established a line in which anyone living to the west of, had to move back as the King was giving it back to the Indians.
  • 1765 quartering act

    law or tax passed by king of england that requires the colomists to play for provide a place to live for the British troops.
  • 1765 Stamp Act

    another tax added to the colonies for any legal document that was prepared. It also included taxes on newspapers dice p;aying cards, These taxes were being imposesd on the colonies to help recover the cost
  • 7167 Townshend Act

    Another tax that was passed and added to the colonists anything that was imported or brought into the colonies from another place. This included paint lead glass paper and tea. They were also paying taxes on items shipped out of the colonies or exported. So they thought this was unfair. these taxes were being passed by the parliament in England.
  • 1768 British occupy Boston

    Because of the wars colonists were being asked to pay for the expense. So more and more taxes were being imposed on the colonists. The colonists were unhappy about this and began acting up. So the British government sent some members of its army to help police or control the city.
  • 1770 Boston Massace

    Due to the continued tension and anger of the colonists towards the soldiers who were there as the enforcers of the British government. The colonists were protesting all of the restrictions being placed on them. A small group of troops ended up shooting at the crowd of men killing 5. This made colonists even more angry.
  • 1773 Tea Act

    In order to help calm the colonists and make them happy the Parliament in England and the King repeal or get rid of all the other taxes. But they imposed or put into place the Tea Act. They only place the colonists could get tea was from the British East India Company which was owned by England. So again the colonists were paying taxes to the England.
  • 1773 Boston Tea Party

    Rebels throw the shipment of tea that came from England into the Boston Harbor. This was a protest of the Tea Act and out of frustration with the British government because of their taxation without representation from controlling their colony.
  • 1774 Continental Congress

    A group of men from each colony gathered in Philadelphia to discuss the situation between the colonies and the British government.They wanted peace.They wanted to reason with the England and be given some control of thee colonies states. They also resolved that if something was done against one of the colonies they would stand together against England they organized an army and agreed they needed to be United and not separate states.SOLIDARITY. They met at Carpenter Hall.
  • 1775 Lexington and Concord April

    900 British soldiers Red Coats marched to concord to take weapons the the colonists that they had hid. It was illegal to citizens to have weapons. They were met by a group of militia at Luxington who wouldn't let the Red Coats go any farther. This started the Revolutionary war.1st battle
  • 1775 1781 Revolutionary war

    Over the few yrars the colnists, patriots, ba
  • 1775 2nd continental congress

    After the battle of Lexington tension was high, England was very mad and worried that the colonists were planning to revolt, The king hired German soldiers to fight the colonists.
  • 1776 Declaration Of Independence

    The congress writ and sign the document that stated they were no longer going to follow the law and rules of the King Of England
  • 1783 treaty fo paris

    After Comwallis to
  • 1787vConstiution

    Set up guidelines to how the u.s. should be run.
  • 1789 Constitution is ratified

    all the states agreed to the constitution. The 1st president was elected.
  • 1764 sugar Act

    to help cover the costs of the french Indian war, Britain to add taxes to the colonist, this first tax was added to anythnig made with molasses or sugar.