
My Decade of the 2000s

  • IPod Creation

    IPod Creation
    Steve Jobs created the first-ever iPod. IPods were used for a music player on the go. You could download your favorite songs on a device and take them on the go in your pocket rather than being on a bulky machine.
  • Blu-ray Disc Created

    Blu-ray Disc Created
    A group of companies called the Blu-ray Disc Association created Blu-ray discs. Blu-ray discs have aged, and we have streaming services now, but Blu-ray was a great way to get a clearer version of your favorite movie at a little more of a price.
  • Nintendo Wii Creation

    Nintendo Wii Creation
    Nintendo released the first-ever Wii console. The Wii was used for many reasons, whether it was playing your favorite Nintendo game or used for workouts. You would go out to buy the game or disc you want and then take it home to play on this small console.
  • Minecraft

    Markus "Notch" Persson released the adventurous game of Minecraft to the public. The full game was not fully released till November 2011. Minecraft was created to help people have a game that you could be adventurous and be creative. The game has changed significantly but has helped many create beautiful masterpieces in pixel art.
  • Ipad Creation

    Ipad Creation
    Steve Jobs released the original iPad. This was a larger version of a phone. You can use it to browse your apps, play games, and message your friends; the creations are endless. The main difference between the iPhone and iPad was that the iPad had a larger interface.