
  • Musty joins rocket league

    Musty gets a concussion on his soccer team.
  • Release

    Rocket league is released and musty downloads it and starts his journey and creates his media channels.
  • "Musty Flick"

    "Musty Flick"
    With his youtube videos , musty hits a flick shot that goes viral. He makes his first "real" youtube video which is a tutorial on how to do the move. Picture Credit:
  • Content Creation

    After his first youtube video, Musty decides to start twitch streaming competitive play and hits champion rank which is the highest rank in the game.
  • Content Creator for NRG

    Musty joins the NRG rocket league club as a content creator.
  • New Ranks

    New Ranks
    Rocket League was moved to a new developer, the new developers create a new highest rank to separate the streamers from regular players. Musty easily still hits the highest rank again and his improvement of the game is noticed by NRG. Picture Credit:
  • Recruitment

    NRG finally asks musty to be a part of the team as an alternate. Musty completes his goal after a 4 year journey of training and improving his mechanics.