Egyptian mummy

mummification process

  • Washed and shaved

    The body is washed and shaved in the nile and brought to the emblamers.
  • Period: to

    mummification process

  • the brain

    The brain is removed using a hook.
  • Vital organs

    All vital organs except the heart are placed in jars with the sons of Horus's head on them.
  • Salt

    They cover the body with salt to dry it out.
  • Make up

    A makeup artist puts makeup and a wig on the body.
  • Oil and resin

    Oil then resin are put on the body to make it smell good and then seal it.
  • Golden plate

    A golden plate is put over the wound the organs were taken ut of it.
  • Linen

    The body is warp with linen and amulets are put in with a gold vulture at the thoart.
  • Mask

    Then a mask is fitted on the body.
  • Label

    A label with the body's name is put in the innercasket along with the book of the dead.
  • Sealed

    The caskee is sealed.