Day 12
What: @ relays with buttons, and a stop button, holding circuits, with lights.
When: finished it in about an hour and a half,
problems: one NO button did not work, did not find out why. -
production to 2 building, residential and ocmmericial
went to a residential building, open neutral on a kitchen outlet. then to a commerical building, whole mess of work to be done. -
day 4 (5 but snow day)
what: we wired first a button to a relay, then a holding contact switch, then a holding contact with a shut off switch.
why: to further show us the workings of a relay, and allow us a better understanding if how to wire them in the future. -
day 6: motor controls
What :more wiring practice on relays, using a box to mount the buttons and a rail for the relay, as wella s a fuse.
When: took about 1 hour to finish after talking for about 30 minutes ont he proprer learnings of it. -
push buttons
What: Learning about normally open and normally closed contacts.
Why: To better understand how these deviced work, and how we can utilize them on the job site. -
day 1 oisin
dual relays. day 7
what: wiring to separate relays to light up one light, one at a time, before then setting up an electrical interlock, preventing both buttons from being pressed to light the light.
Who: a partnership between me and gage -
day 8: motor starter
what: wiring 2 buttons to a motor starter, as well as making it holding circuit as well.
when: Dec 11th 2024. took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the project. -
forward and reversing motor started with mechaniacal and electrical interlocks
what: wiring both forward and reverse motor starters, while utilizinang their innate mechaniacal interlock, and wiring an electrical interlocks as well.
why: to porpo;early demonstrate the use of an electrical interlocks, and to enhance our knowledge of motor starters, while engaging us into forward and reverse properties. -
day 11
What: Electrical interlocks wiring practice, as well as unit 7 on Mike Holt capacitors.
When, the 13th of December in the year rof our Lord 2024. -
day 13.
What: a forward, reverse and emergency stop circuit with a button for each leading to a relay, with 3 mechanical interlocks.
Why: a challenge imposed to show and understanding of 3 relays, as well as mechanical interlocks.