Mezquita cordoba 1 (1)

Mosque of Cordoba

  • Period: 786 to 788


    The construction of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Emir Abderramán I
  • Period: 786 to 788


    The construction of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Emir Abderramán I
  • 793


    The first minaret is built during the mandate of Hisham I
  • 793


    The first minaret is built during the mandate of Hisham I
  • Period: 833 to 855

    Firts construction

    The first expansion of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Emir Abderramán II
  • Period: 833 to 855

    First Extension

    The first expansion of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Emir Abderramán II
  • 945


    Se amplía el patio de los Naranjos durante el mandato del califa Abderramán III.
  • 945


    El Patio de los Naranjos is expanded during the mandate of Caliph Abderramán III
  • Period: 962 to 966

    Second Extension

    The second extension of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Caliph Alhakén II
  • Period: 987 to 988

    Third Extension

    The third extension of the Mosque begins during the mandate of Almanzor
  • 1236

    Reconquest by Fernando III

    Reconquest by Fernando III
    The old mosque is consecrated as a cathedral
  • 1371


    The construction of the Royal Chapel is completed and
    the remains of King Alfonso XI are transferred from the Cathedral of Seville to the Royal Chapel of the Mosque.
  • Period: 1523 to


    Construction, restoration and modeling of the mosque
  • Asset of Cultural Interest

    Asset of Cultural Interest
    It is declared a Site of Cultural Interest.
  • World Heritage

    World Heritage
    It is declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
  • First place

    First place
    Gets first place in the 12 Treasures of Spain contest
  • Best place of tourist interest

    Best place of tourist interest
    Receives the award as the best tourist site in Europe and sixth in the world according to a TripAdvisor contest.