10281892 monedas antiguas de varios países


  • 1200 BCE

    Cowry shells

    Cowry shells
    This tipe of money, was created for the first time in China. The cowry shells were the first coins in China.
  • 1050 BCE

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    They came after the coins, by the b11th century and were treated by Kubla Khan in China. They were brougt to Europe in 1661
  • 650 BCE


    This tipe of money was created for the firsttime in Lydia. Noweadays Lydia is Turkey. The coins were created in the 7th century BC. The coins were spread in the mediterranean countries and were made from gold and silver.
  • Cheques

    They were used having the posbility to transfer money from one bank account in to tanother the first was create in 1659
  • James Ritty

    James Ritty
    James Ritty was born in 1836 in EEUU and died in 1918. He invented the cash register in 1879 he felt an inspiration and thoughti " is you can record the propeller movement of a boat, there is no reason why you can not record the sales movements in a store".
  • Cash regysters

    Cash regysters
    This were invented by James Ritty in 1879 for stopping dishonest employers from stealing money.
  • Credit Cards

    Credit Cards
    This type of money was created for the people to by things with out cash or cheques. It was first used by one diner's club and 27 restaurants on New York. Nowadays is used all over the world.
  • Euro

    This tipe of money is used like one common coin in Europe.
  • Digital money

    Digital money
    This type of money was invented in USA in 2008. This will probably be the money of the future