
Modern US History B Period 3

  • Invention of the Frisbee!

    Invention of the Frisbee!
    (1871-1958) of Bridgeport, Connecticut,
    a couple college kids used an old pie tin to float across the air to another student causeing hours of fun. Later a couple toy industries used the idea to encourage kids to play outside and created the first frisbee flying disc.
  • Creation of the Telephone

    Creation of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell has most often been credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone. Additionally, the Italian-American inventor and businessman Antonio Meucci has been recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives for his contributory work on the telephone. In Germany, Johann Philipp Reis is seen as a leading telephone pioneer who stopped only just short of a successful device. The modern telephone is the result of work done by many people. Bell patent.
  • invention of the radio.

    invention of the radio.
    First developed in 1879, the first radios were bulky, noisy, and had poor reception. With the advent of improved technologies such as vacuum tubes and rectifiers, the radio was honed into the interesting little device that made it into such a craze during the 1920s.
  • Creation of the Automobile (car)

    Creation of the Automobile (car)
    Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. But in 1881 A man named Karl Benz was known for creationg the first combustible engine and fitting it into a 3 wheeled modified carrage that didnt allow any passengers.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The 2 million African Americans moved to the North to find jobs, escape racism, and go to school. WWI created this opportuit y for the blacks because when the whites went to war they got their jobs.
  • Amendment 18 "Prohibition"

    Amendment 18 "Prohibition"
    This Amendment made alcohol illegal, womens groups, church groups and many other social groups faught for the prohibition which lasted 13 years.
  • "Emergency Quota Act"

    "Emergency Quota Act"
    This Act doesnt allow immigrants to live in US, said that it limited immigration to 3% annually of that race already living in US in response to the large amounts of europeans moving here during the war taking jobs.
  • 19th Amendment "Womens right to vote"

    19th Amendment "Womens right to vote"
    Susan B. Anthony major figure who pushed this amendment and made people relize how wrong it was to profile women as stupid and weak because their human too and can do the same things as men. Woodrow Wilson passed the amendment.
  • "Immigration Act"

    "Immigration Act"
    Limited immigration to 2% of that race already living in US, more permanent change in immigration to America, this sybolizes our national identity..protect our Native Values.
  • Creation of the Televisiopn.

    Creation of the Televisiopn.
    The history of television records the work of numerous engineers and inventors in several countries over many decades. The fundamental principles of television were initially developed using electromechanical methods to scan, transmit and reproduce an image. As electronic camera and display tubes were perfected, electromechanical television gave way to all-electronic broadcast television systems in nearly all applications.
  • "Black Tuesday"

    "Black Tuesday"
    First day the stock market started to crash, This was due in part to speculative buying which is buying a certain things real expensive then the value dropped, Banks closed because bad investments, they bought alot of houses which went down in value and lost them a great amount of money.
  • "Black Thursday"

    "Black Thursday"
    This was the biggest in stack market losses. considered the start of the great depression, which later lead to stock market regulations.
  • FDR elected presidant.

    FDR elected presidant.
    FDR was elected to bring America out of the depression, he started the New Deal which put people back to work, and provided safety nets to those in need, like welfare,and social security.
  • State of the economy

    State of the economy
    this is the worst the economy has ever been, unemployment was 25%, half of all banks closed, millions of people lost everything they had saved for.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    This Amendment repealed the 18th amendment and ended prohibition, to increase tax revenue from alcohol sales. Also it was repealed because prohibition caused a huge spike in crime rate.
  • Hoover dam opens

    Hoover dam opens
    THis was a new deal project, 5000 people got jobs and started working, the dams power provided electricity to Las Vagas, Las Angelas and alot of the west coast.
  • GI bill of rights.

    GI bill of rights.
    Paret of FDR's second new deal, guranteed benifits to soliders, free education to those who want to go back, cheep housing loans for newly weds, this bill is still in effect today.
  • Creation of the internet.

    Creation of the internet.
    The internet was first seen when computer scientist Professor Leonard Kleinrocks laboratory at University of California sent a message through his computer to Standford Research institute.