
MLK jr

By kr15708
  • Martin Luther King jr is born

    He is born in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • MLK jr starts college

    Morehouse college in Atlanta
  • Mlk jr sends letter to editor

    The Atlanta Constitution publishes King’s letter to the editor stating that black people "are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens."
  • Rosa Parks is arrested

  • King becomes president of MIA

    At a mass meeting at Holt Street Baptist Church, the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) is formed. King becomes its president.
  • Time Magazine

    King appears on the cover of time magazine
  • Meets the president

    Meets with President Eisenhower in Washington
  • King is arrested

    King is arrested during a sit-in demonstration at Rich’s department store in Atlanta.
  • I have a dream speech

    King delivers his most famous speech in Washington
  • Kings death

    King is shot and killed