Mini-Project (Photography Edition) by Shane McSally

  • Invention of film cameras

    Invention of film cameras
    George Eastman began making paper film for cameras and later switched to celluloid in 1889. He called his first camera the Kodak. It was a simple box camera with one lens, one shutter speed, and was very cheap. The camera could take 100 exposures and then would be sent back to the factory to be reloaded.
  • Invention of the first digital camera

    Invention of the first digital camera
    Steven Sasson, a Kodak engineer, Invented the first digital camera. This was not an invention during my lifetime, however, it still impacted me greatly. To this day I use digital cameras as I am an avid photographer.
  • Nikon invents the DSLR camera

    Nikon invents the DSLR camera
    DSLR stands for digital single-lens reflex. These cameras provide consumers with many features such as interchangeable lenses and digital file formats. They are nearly an industry standard for professionals and what I have been using for years now. Without these, we would still be using low resolution film cameras!
  • Invention of the Full Frame DSLR

    Invention of the Full Frame DSLR
    Lower end DSLR's will have cropped sensors to fit in the smaller body and keep the cost down. This means that what you see through the view finder is not actually the photo that gets written to the memory card. It is a cropped version. Around 2000-2002, a couple companies (Pentax, Canon, Contax) developed a full frame camera. This means the photo saved is exactly the same is what was being seen in the viewfinder.
  • Invention of the camera phone

    Invention of the camera phone
    Sharp was the first to introduce a phone with a camera in it. The idea that they could take a working camera, and shrink it down so small that it could fit into a cell phone was unfathomable to me. To this day, cameras in phones continue to evolve and are coming close to rivaling some standalone cameras.