Michael's Development Timeline

  • 9 Months

    Michael had his 9 month well baby check up. His pediatrician indicated that he has a strong attachment to his mother and definitely prefers her over anyone else. He is eating well and it is recommended that he is introduced to a variety of foods. He easily adapts to different situations and is advanced in the development of his motor skills.
  • 19 Months

    Michael underwent developmental testing. Michael warmed up easily and interacted with the other children at ease. He scored above average in language development and right on track with tasks such as building a block tower. He was also advanced in his gross motor skills and was able to concentrate better than other children his age.
  • 2 1/2 Years

    Michael underwent developmental testing again as he would be starting preschool soon. He was examined by a friend and it was determined that he was above average in language composition and production, problem solving and nearly all of his gross motor skills. He tested average for being able to copy shapes. He was also able to focus on the tasks at hand for the entire session.
  • 3 Years Old

  • 5 Years Old