
Metis Collective Rights

  • Period: to

    Metis Collective Rights Developement

  • Red River Resistance

    Red River Resistance
    The Red River Resistance was a rebellion led by the Metis people between November 1869 and March 1870. It was sparked by the transfer of Rupert's Land (a huge territory) to the new nation of Canada. It lead to the signing of the Manitoba Act, which created Manitoba as a tiny bilingual province and gave the Metis people land rights. They recieved 500000 hectares of land along with the farms they already had along the river.
  • Scrips

    Between 1875 and 1879 the government issued scrips to the Metis people instead of simply offering and establishing land for them. They were pieces of paper worth a set amount of money that could be traded for land. The people had a choice, they could either accept the scrip of be labeled as a Treaty Indian under one of the numbered treaties. Canada saw the Metis people as different from the First Nations they didn't deserve land the same as the true Aboriginals. Metis people maintain they do.
  • Northwest Resistance

    Northwest Resistance
    The Northwest Resistance took place in 1885 and was lead by Louis Riel. It was over protecting Metis lands in what today is Saskatchewan. The rebellion did not end well. Having created a military conflict between the Metis and the governement, many died fighting. Louis Riel was hung on November 16th 1885 for treason and the fight came to an end. Anglophones and the government supported this sentence while Francophones opposed it.
  • St.Paul Farms

    St.Paul Farms
    The Metis people built and settled in farms near what is today St. Paul, AB between 1896 and 1910. The land was provided by the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, they had to leave soon after since they did not own the land.
  • Alberta Land Lobbying

    Alberta Land Lobbying
    A group called L'Association des Metis de l'Alberta et des Territoires du Nord-Ouest lobbied Alberta's government to give land to the Metis people to live on. The government passed the Metis Population Betterment Act that same year which gave Metis 12 short term settlements. This was the first time ever in Canadian history land had been given to the Metis by the government.
  • Temporary Settlement Aftermath

    Temporary Settlement Aftermath
    Between 1940 and 1960 many reserves were deemed unsuitable for hunting, farming and fishing. Four of the twelve were closed forever, returning the land to the Alberta government.
  • Lobbying For Metis RIghts

    Lobbying For Metis RIghts
    In 1982, the Metis began lobbying the government of Canada for their rights as Metis people to be recognised. When the law was patriated, it included section 35 that recognises Metis officially as one of Canada's Aboriginal people groups.
  • Permanent Settlements

    Permanent Settlements
    In 1990 the government of Alberta passed a law giving the Metis people all the former temporary settlements as permanent land bases with rights to manage their own personal affairs. The law included: Constitution Of Alberta Amendment Act, Metis Settlements Accord Implimentation Act, Metis Settlements Act, and Metis Settlements Land Protection Act.
  • Supreme Court Ruling

    Supreme Court Ruling
    In 2003 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Metis people have the right to hunt and fish and are classed under Aboriginal people of Canada. They have these rights because of their founding relationship to Canada and their history with the land.
  • Negotiations

    During two negotiations, Metis representatives made agreements with Alberta's governement securing Metis hunting and fishing rights, They specified Metis people could hunt and fish for food wthout lisenses. In 2007, these rights were tread upon without permission from the Metis. It is a contraversial subject among Albertans.
  • Court Case

    Court Case
    In 2006, the Metis people of Manitoba launched a court case, sewing the governemnt for money and the land that was supposed to be provided in the Manitoba Act.