Drugabuse shutter208189978 heroin on spoon and syringe


  • Methamphetamine was developed in Japan in 1919.

    Methamphetamine  was developed in Japan in 1919.
    Methamphetamine went into wide use during World War II, when both sides used it to keep troops awake. High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions. And after the war, methamphetamine abuse by injection reached epidemic proportions when supplies stored for military use became available to the Japanese public.
  • Early Users

    Early Users
    Amphetamine, popularly known as speed or uppers, becomes known as a drug used by athletes, college students, motorcycle gangs and truck drivers.
  • Enter the Cartels

    Enter the Cartels
    Mexican cocaine traffickers, become top meth dealers.
    Home meth labs also begin spreading throughout the West Coast where cooks make the drug from household products such as paint thinner, acetone, and battery acid.
  • First Attempt to Stem Meth

    First Attempt to Stem Meth
    The DEA's number three man, Gene Haislip, authors legislation requiring companies making 14 kinds of chemicals used in making illegal drugs -- including ephedrine and pseudoephedrine -- to keep sales and import records. The bill would affect sellers of nonprescription asthma and diet pills containing ephedrine, and even more importantly, it would also affect makers of cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine, a $3 billion market.