Medicine Advancement

  • Human genome project

    Human genome project
    In 1993, Aristides Patrinos invented the human genome project. The HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. It provide us an accurate base that allows us to find all of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 human genes.
  • 23 and me

    23 and me
    The creators are Linda Avey,Paul Cusenz, and Anne Wojcick.23 and me is a DNA website which tells you where your DNA comes from and your families story. By scientist examining your DNA, and comparing it to other individuals it reveals biological history, All in a simple mouth swab.
  • Anti-smoking laws

    Anti-smoking laws
    Anti-smoking laws prohibit tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public spaces. Which has improved the deaths of many because being a second hand smoker can cause you to also receive tabacco through your lungs
  • Seizure stoppers

    Seizure stoppers
    This device is known as the Foerster method. This device is a pace maker for the brain. It makes sure everythings flowing well and delivers pulses or stimulation at regular intervals
  • Laser surgery

    Laser surgery
    In 1983, Dr. Stephen Trokel along with R. Srinivasan, was the first to successfully use laser for correcting eye defects.Laser eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The surgery corrects their vision so they no longer need glasses or contact lenses.
  • Synthetic cells

    Synthetic cells
    Craig Venter was the first to discover synthetic cells. A synthetic cell is a. artificial cell or minimal cell is an engineered particle that mimics one or many functions of a biological cell.The process is made by a computer,
  • Augmented reality

    Augmented reality
    who invented the augmented reality is jaron Lainer in 1989. Augmented Reality (also called AR) enhances the things we see, hear, and feel. They can highlight certain features, enhance understandings, and provide accessible and timely data.
  • Telehealth Dr visits

    Telehealth Dr visits
    Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 created the telehealth. Telecommunications technologies help people see doctor through cellular devices to get a diagnostic when they cant be able to see the patient in person. It also helps doctors communicate together and share opinions to make the diagnostic better.
  • Gene editing

    Gene editing
    Gene editing is the insertion, deletion or replacement of DNA at a specific site in the genome of an organism or cell.
  • Bionic eyes

    Bionic eyes
    The Inventor Inspired by Grandmother Dr. Mark Humayun invented the bionic eye. A visual prosthesis experimental visual device intended to restore functional vision in those suffering from partial or total blindness