Maselli History of Astronomy

  • 322 BCE


    384-322 Aristotle studied under the great philosopher Plato then later started his own school called Lyceum at Athens. Aristotle thought that stars and other planets were perfect spheres but that earth was not. Aristotle thought that the movement of plants and stars must be circular since they were perfect. If the motions were circular they would go on forever.
  • 100


    100-168 Ptolemy was a mathematician and a astronomer. He thought that the earth was in the middle of the universe. He was able to combine what he saw of the stars movements to mathematics even though his predictions were wrong. He even worked out that planets must move in epicycles, smaller circles, and that the earth moved along an equant.
  • 1473


    1473-1543 Copernicus had a system called heliocentric it put the sun at the center of our system. He used the movement of planets to back up his idea. People that only studied a little of his theory was because they were too different for most of the scholars at this time but those who did study him intact often did in secret and they were called Copernicans.
  • 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    1546-1601 Tycho was the creator of the solar system. He was an Alchemist, Astrologer, Astronomer. He was the designer and builder of astronomical instruments. He was one of the only people that had accurate observations with planetary positions. An observation of the Constellation Cassiopeia revealed to Tyco a new star. The star is usually referred to Tycho’s Supernova today. He was born on December 14, 1546.
  • 1564


    1564-1642 Galileo was born in Pisa in Italy, 100 years after Aristotle, Ptolemy. He was a genius in inventions and observations. Most of his ideas were on like how motion worked and also e made a telescope that could enlarge up to 20 times. With this telescope he was able to prove Copernican system and Heliocentrism. When he published his observations which went against the established teaching of the church this being said he was in under house arrest for the rest of his life.
  • 1570

    Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    1570-1619 Lippershey was a German-Dutch Spectacle-maker. He is mostly famous for the invention of the telescope he wasn't the only one who invented it bu he was the first to try to patent it. His telescopes were made available for Henry IV in France and other before 1608. The potential importance of astronomy was
    recognized by Jacques Bovedere of Paris and reported the invention to Galileo who promptly built his own telescope. He invented the telescope in 1608.
  • 1571

    Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    1571-1630 Kepler was from Germany and was born on December 27, 1871 and was mostly known for his laws of planetary motion. He was an astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer. He was a key role in the scientific revolution in the 17th century. The three laws of planetary motion was the orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus. The second one was if a line was joining the planet and the sun sweeps out equal intervals of time.
  • Difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes

    Difference between refracting and reflecting telescopes
    The difference is that a reflecting telescope uses two mirrors instead of two lenses, because the refactor uses lens instead of mirrors. The reflecting one also has a different method because basically the light goes through the telescope and reflects off the curved mirror at the end of the tube. Then a second mirrior is located in the middle of the telescope and then reflects to the eyepiece then now you can see. The refactor uses a whole different set up using lenses and a magnifier glass.
  • Giovanni Cassini

    Giovanni Cassini
    1625-1712 He was an Italian mathematician, astronomer and an engineer. His early studies were on the sun, but when he obtained more powerful telescopes, he turned his attention to the planets. Cassini was the first to observe the shadows of Jupiter's satellites as they passed between that planet and the sun. This allowed him to figure out Jupiter's rotation period. He found the rotation of Mars period also and it was 24 hours 40 minutes.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    1738-1822 William was a German- born British astronomer, composer and the brother of astronomer Caroline Herschel. He discovered Uranus, Enceladus, mimas and titania. He discovered what he first thought to be a comet but ended up to be Uranus. He was most famous for observing the heavenly bodies. He also formulated a theory of stellar evolution.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    1738-1822 Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer and a theologian. He was also one of the key figure to the science revolution in the 17th century. He had a discovery of composition of white light integrated phenomena of colors into the science of light and laid the foundation of physic optics. He was born in Lincolnshire, England. In mathematics he was the discoverer of the infinitesimal calculus.
  • Percival Lowell

    Percival Lowell
    1855-1916 Percival was an author, mathematician, and astronomer. He was able to predict the existence of a planet beyond the orbit of Neptune and initiated the search that ended up to be Pluto. Inspired by Giovanni discovered canals on mars Lowell decided to devote his fortune and energy to the study of Mars. He was born in Boston. He organized a systematic for the planet by the staff of his observatory, fourteen years after his death this search culminated into the discovery of Pluto.
  • Ejnar Hertzsprung

    Ejnar Hertzsprung
    1873-1967 Enjar was able to classify the types of stars by relating there color to there absolute brightness, a fundamental importance to modern astronomy. In 1913 he established the luminosity scale of Cepheid variable stars A tool for intergalactic distance. he was a danish chemist and astronomer born in Copenhagen. He discovered lvar and Kalahari. These were the only two things he discovered.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    1879-1955 Albert was born in Germany and was theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He didn't really invent the atomic bomb but his name is associated with the bomb. This was because his scientific work and discoveries were key in the bombs development. Albert is most famous for his theory of relativity and is also known for the equation E=mc2 which means the development of the atomic bomb.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    1889-1953 Edwin was an american astronomer. He was born in Marshfeild Missouri. He revolutionized cosmology by proving that the clouds of light that the astronomers saw in the night sky were actually other galaxies beyond our Milky Way. His most famous discovery in 1929 was between a galaxy's distance and the speed which with it's moving. His law implies that the universe is expanding.
  • Karl Jansky

    Karl Jansky
    1905-1950 Karl was born in Norman OK in 1905. Karl was assigned the job was investigating the sources of static. He built a antenna, designed to receive radio waves at a frequency of 20.5 MHz. It was mounted to a thing called a turntable that allowed it to rotate in any direction. This was called "Jansky's merry go round." He spent over a year investigating the third type of static, it rose a fell one day leading him to think he was seeing radiation from the sun.
  • John Glenn

    John Glenn
    1921-2016 John Glenn was a marine corps aviator, engineer, astronaut, business man, and a politician. He was the first man to circle the earth and circled it three times in 1962. He was one of the people in the first group NASA selected. His mercury mission launched on February 20, 1962. His mission sucsefully proved that the mercury spacecraft worked in space. This mission also helped NASA know more about space in real life.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    1930-2012 Neil Armstrong was an american astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person ever in the world to walk on the moon. He also helped with testing piolits. He flew on Apollo 11 spacecraft to get to the moon. He was with another person which his name was Buzz Aldrin. His words that he said on the moon was "That's one small step from a man, one giant leap for man kind.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    1934-1968 Yuri was the first to ever fly into space. He Circled the earth in 108 min and that was a little more than one orbit. He flew n an aircraft called Vostok 1. He was going 27,400 kilometers per hour. There is a crater on the moon that is named after Yuri Gagarin. He was about to fly into space a second time but ended up getting in a plane crash.
  • Sputnik

    1957 Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite to launch into space. The soviet union launched it into an elliptical low earth orbit. It orbited for three weeks and the stopped when the battery died. Its highest orbits were 1440 times. Soviet's capability to launch a satellite into space also translated it to be able to launch ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons. It discovered the magnetic radiation belts around the Earth.
  • The Apollo Program

    The Apollo Program
    1963-1972 The Apollo Program was the third united states human spaceflight program carried out by the national aeronautics and space administration. It was the space craft that was able to land two humans on the moon. Neil Armstrong and buzz Aldrin. The flight mode, lunar orbit rendezvous was selected in 1962.
  • First space shuttle flight

    First space shuttle flight
    1981 The first shuttle flight was the fourth spaceflight program. It was carried out by the national Aeronautics and space Administration that accomplished routine transportation for Earth to orbit crew and cargo from 1981 to 2011. It carried a dozen astronauts up to space. There was a problem though and that was that the shuttle and a seven member crew were lost over Texas when the shuttle burned down on its re-entry on Feb,1 in 2003.
  • Mars Pathfinder Expedition

    Mars Pathfinder Expedition
    1996 Mars pathfinder was launched in December 4,1996. It launched at Canaveral air force station in Florida. It was lunched and landed on Mars in 1997. It was designed as a technology demonstration of a new way to deliver an instrumented lander and the first ever robotic rover to land on the red planet. When the pathfinder returned it showed an unprecedented amount of data and outlived its primary design.
  • Cassini orbiter

    Cassini orbiter
    1997 The Cassini orbiter was one of the most ambitious missions ever launched in space. It had cameras inside of it so it could take pictures while it was in space. when it was launched it was loaded with two elements, the Cassini orbiter and the Huygens probe. Cassini and Huygens reached Saturn and its moons on July 2004. It brought back so much information that gave us the data of what we now know as the Saturnian system.
  • Unknown planet Candidates

    Unknown planet Candidates
    2019 There have been discoveries of unknown planets circling the stars and in our galaxy. Some of them are worlds that appear to be the same size as our earth. The temperatures on these planets are hospitable for living on. There has been data collected during the first four years of Kepler's mission. There has been observations that so far 2,335 of the more than 4,000 candidate worlds discovered by Kepler are REAL.