Martin Luther - Reformation

  • Jan 1, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Indulgences sold to go towards the builting of St. Peters, Rome. The English people purchased them, no matter how expensive, because they were told it was the only way that they could be saved.
    Martin Luther was angered by this exploitation of the people, and nailed 95 Theses over the door of a Church in Wittenburg. These theses were written arguments disagreeing with selling indulgences.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Martin Luther gains support

    Martin Luther gains support
    Martin Luther publishes 'An open letter to the Christian nobility to the German National concerning the reform of the Christian Estate', 'The Babylonian captivity of the Church' and 'On the freedom of a Christian'. He wins support and the Church is angered.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Martin Luther is excommunicated

    Martin Luther is excommunicated
    The Church is so infuriated byt Luther challenging the Church, and therefore the Pope, that he is excommunicated. Luther says he will not back down unless he is proved wrong with good reason, or biblical evidence.
  • Jan 1, 1522

    New Testament Translated into German

    New Testament Translated into German
    Martin Luther translates the New Testament into German, though it is illegal to have the word of God in any language other than Latin. He started translating while he was imprisoned in Wartburg Castle.
  • Jan 1, 1525

    The Peasants War

    The Peasants War
    The Peasants War was a social and religious uprising in Germany caused primarily by Luther's reformantion of the Church, his challenging of the Pope and therefore changing the social structure everyone was used to. The Peasants also wanted change, and folowed his lead in speaking out over their Govenment and Church.