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Marie Couri

  • She birth

    She birth
    Marie Curie, born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Does not enter the university

    Does not enter the university
    At just 15 years old, Marie did not enter the university of Watson, but she entered the last most important University (clandestine institution) open to women's.
  • University in Paris

    University in Paris
    In 1891, enrolled at the University in Paris, when she studies physical, chemistry and mathematics.
  • graduate in Physical

    Two year later she graduate in Physical
  • graduated in mathematics.

    In 1894, she graduated in mathematics
  • Esearch on the magnetic properties

    Esearch on the magnetic properties
    Marie began her scientific caracer in 1894 with research on the magnetic properties of various steels.
  • Marriage

    Pierre Curie, and later he proposed marriage, at first Marie did not accept, but finally the science brought them.
  • New elements

    In July 1898, the couple published a joint article in which theory announced the existence of an element they called “Polonium” and in the same year announced another element, called “radius”.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    In 1903 together with her husband Pierre received Nobel Prize from Physical.
  • Department of the University of Paris

    Department of the University of Paris
    In 1906 the Physical Department of the University of Paris decided to offer her husband because he died as a result of an accident, and she accepts his job site.
  • Second Nobel Prize

    Second Nobel Prize
    In 1911, she received alone a Nobel Prize of chemistry
  • She died

    She died
    In 1934, she died from anemia, probably contracted as a resultant of continued exposed to radiation. We can end this with a summary of his entire life at this link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEV4KJBJvEg