
Becoming a World Power: 1830-1900

  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Undergroud Railroad was a series of routes that slaves were led through and crossed into free states in order to escape slavery.
  • First Telegraph was Sent

    First Telegraph was Sent
    Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and sent the first message from Washington to Baltimore.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott Case is about a black man who lived in free territory but was never officially given his freedom, so he started a court case, which became one of the most famous court cases that fought for an African American's freedom.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago was a treaty that ended the Spanish War and in which the United States gained over 525,000 acres of land.
  • The Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

    The Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was one of the most influential people in the history of America due to his advocacy for the morals and foundations of America and his fight against slavery.
  • Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone, which is one of the most used technologies by our society today.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    The Wounded Knee Massacre was an extremly important battle in which 150-300 Lackota men, woman and children were killed because of a quarrel over whether or not a man would give up his gun. The site is now considered a historical site because of it s tragedy.