Major European Theater Battles

By 79467
  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    The German forces invaded areas of France, pushing the British and French forces back to the sea. It resulted in a German victory and lasted about a month and a half. "We have been defeated, we have lost the battle".
    May 10th 1940-June 25 1940
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The battle of Britain was a military attack on England, London got bombed for 57 consecutive life, forcing mass evacuation, and 40,000 citizen deaths, the British stood strong and led to the begging of the end of ww2. The war lasted from July 10th 1940 to October 31st 1940, an over 3 month war resulting in many bombing attacks and civilian deaths. The result ended in a British victory
  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    The Battle/Siege of Leningrad also known as 900 day siege was an military extended military siege on Leningrad after the Nazis invaded the Soviet union. This siege lasted more than 900 days!! And resulted in nearly a million deaths. During the months the city tried to establish supply lines from inside the Soviet Union and free and evacuate it's citizens.
    The battle lasted from September 8th 1941 until January 27th 1944
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle of Stalingrad was the largest confrontation of ww2 when Germany and their allies fought against fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia. It resulted in a soviet victory with a complete defeat of the German 6th army. The battle lasted from the 23rd of August 1942 until February 2nd 1943 a 7 month war.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Operation Torch was an american invasion on north African during the french north African campaign. The war started November 8th 1942 and lasted until November 10th 1942. The British and American troops worked on the invasion together.
  • Battle of the Buldge

    Battle of the Buldge
    The Battle of the Buldge was the last major Germany offensive attack on the western front, the Battle of the Buldge was the third most lethal American battle with estimated deaths at 19,276 Americans killed. This battle was an attempt to push the western front border towards northern Belgium. It earned it's name because the Germans created a "buldge" between the forest pushing the American defensive line. The war lasted from Dec 16th 1944 to January 25th 1945, over a month long
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The battle of Berlin designated The Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union and is ultimately known as the fall off Berlin, this was the final major offense of the European theater in ww2. The battle resulted in a soviet victory against Nazi Germany and Poland. The war lasted from April 16th 1945 until May 2nd 1945, less than a month time period.
  • D-Day

    D-Day also known as the Normandy landings was an invasion on northern France by allied forces on beach landings in Normandy. This invasion was one of the largest "amphibious" assaults in military history and requires lots of prior planning. Eisenhower selected Jun 5th as the perfect day for an invasion but they actually had a weather delay. A significant quote is "You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you".