Major European Theater Battles

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  • Battle of France

    The attack started with German air raids on Belgium and Holland. The British and French were scared so that helped the Germans advance so quickly. The British and the French were pushed so far back that they were along the coast. The evacuation saved 336,000 allied lives.
  • Battle of Britain

    The United kingdom was involved the longest air onslaught to that day were they just kept getting pounded from above. When the French were eliminated from the war the British were alone in the efforts to stop Hitler. They needed to improve their air defense because they knew that would be coming
  • Battle of Leningrad

    The Germans basically had the Russians surrounded and they could not do anything about it. The main deaths were caused of starvation and nearby shelling.Soviet offensives in 1943 pushed the Germans back a little bit but not enough. Its two million civilians were barely kept alive due to the lack of food and bad living conditions.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    It was the successful defense of the city Stalingrad. It was one of the most bloody battles in the history of war and there were almost 2 million casualties. Soviet forces crushed the German army with great leadership. This battle was one of the turning points for the Eastern Front.
  • Operation Torch

    General Clark and staff members flew to Gibraltar to go to a secret meeting planned by an American diplomat. General Henri Giroud was decided to lead the African French. The secret meeting was once interrupted by French police loyal to Vichy and they all had to hide in a wine cellar nearby. The USA had been thinking about this since a year before. The American chiefs of staff were nervous to engage in war in Europe but not Africa.
  • D- day

    This attack was called the beginning of the end. There were only 4000 lives lost. The original plan was for them to go on June 5 but due to bad weather it was delayed to June 6. Erwin Rommel of the Germans was in charge of making walls and obstacles for the oncoming attack on France's Northern border but that wasn't where the attack would take place. The allies deceived the Germans by making fake radio calls and other things like that.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Adolf Hitler caught the Americans off guard when he launched a blitzkrieg through the Ardennes to Antwerp. The American armies desperately tried to slow the advancement of the German army. The Allied line looked like a bulge which is where the name came from. Patton's excellent decisions helped the allies to stop the Germans from advancing even though there were a lot of deaths.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Stalin pushed his army closer and closer to the capital to pinch them. Over a million Russian troops were a part of the charge into Berlin. Endless deaths for both sides could not be avoided. The Russian tanks just kept coming along the enemy lines and the Germans had no more hope.