
  • First magazine printed

    First magazine printed
    • the first magazine was called Erbauliche Monaths Unterredungen and was printed in germany
    • the translation of the name is "Edifying Monthly Discussions"
    • it was a magazine about german philosopgy resulting in most of it's readers being highly educated
    • most of its content was was authored by a theologian and poet
  • First magazine printed

    First magazine printed
    • although Jack may not have been particularly interested in the content of this magazinehe would apreciate it's sophistication.
    • had he lived in this time and had enough education Jack would have enjoyed reading the magazine regularly.
    • if this magazine had never been published we may not have the form of magazine we do now, and Jack would then be much more limited in his feild of work.
  • Malcolm Little goes to prison

    Malcolm Little goes to prison
    • Malcolm Little, or Malcolm X was a muslum minister and a civil rights extremest. He had been accused for preaching racism and violence.
    • Malcolm went to prison for larceny and breaking and entering.
  • Malcolm Little goes to prison

    Malcolm Little goes to prison
    • As a careful person Rose would be happy that a possibly dangerous person would be put away despite the colour of their skin, but a civil rights activist put in prison would give her a sense of satisfaction.
    • It is never said that Rose supports the civil rights movement, it seems that unless she has a personal connection to a person of colour they don't matter to her.
    • Chris on the other hand may not be so content with this man going to prison, he would assume that they were being biased.
  • Jackie Robinson satrted playing in a white league

    Jackie Robinson satrted playing in a white league
    • Jackie Robinson was the first black baseball player to play in a white baseball league.
    • It was the very start of integration and people weren't ready for the change.
    • Jackie got a lot of publicity, and similarely to Jack's story the reporters assigned to his story got a negative response from the public.
  • Jackie Robinson started playing

    Jackie Robinson started playing
    • Jack covered a story similar to Jackie Robinsons, he recieved a personal negative reaction that changed his life. Having had more experience since he would cover the same sort of story if asked again.
    • Chris would cheer for a baseball team just because they have a black player. Jackie would be chris' favourite player.
    • Rose would not have a problem with Jackie playing in a white league but she wold not be comfortable with intergrated schools or working on a daily basis with coloured people.
  • Sun Records

    Sun Records
    • Sun Records was the company that layed the foundation of rock and roll.
    • It was founded by Sam Phillips. Sun Records Signed such people as: Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash.
    • The music influenced society more than anyone noticed, the coloured artists were becoming famous and people started listening to their records in their homes and people were slowly becoming more comfortable with the idea of integration.
  • Sun Records

    Sun Records
    • Without the support of Sun records and the musicians they had signed the magazine Jack started with Dalton and Emerson may not have even gotten past the stage of writing.
    • Chris would be more ifluenced by the music than his parents because he would grow up lisnening to them.
    • If Sun records had never been founded more direct action would have been neded to pass civil rights. Chris would have been one of these activists and could have spent some of his life in prison because of protest.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to move

    Rosa Parks refuses to move
    • Rosa Parks was a 42 year old black woman who helped the integration movement forward by refusing to give up her seat on the bus for a white man.
    • Rosa Parks was sitting in the section of the bus reserved for coloured people, but when the white section filled up the bus driver asked her to stand up so that a white man could sit down. After Rosa refused to give up her seat the bus driver called the police and had hert arrested.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to move

    Rosa Parks refuses to move
    • When Jack was told he had to cover a story on the subject of racism he was annoyed because this was the last kind of story he wanted to write about, not because he was racist, but because bad things had come from him covering this topic in the past.
    • Once he got used to the idea Jack liked helping the coloured community, he even became friends with Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Jack and Chris would be happy that Rosa stayed strong, but Rose would have liked for Rosa to not have taken a stand.
  • Little Rock Desegregation

    Little Rock Desegregation
    • Little Rock high school was one of the first high schools to be integrated in the south. The nine black students were not allowed to attend school that day.
    • Hazel Massery(the girl shouting insults behind Elizabeth Eckford) was to represent the south.
  • Little Rock Desegregation

    Little Rock Desegregation
    • Jack attended the event and was disappointed at how the public reacted. He did not like the negative reaction because it represented everything that he was trying to move past.
    • Chris had similar feelings toward the event and would even have a stronger reaction than his father,
    • Rose would not have had the same disappointment, although she supports her husband and his beleifs, she is more comfortable with the 'seperate but equal' idea.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. died

    • Jack, Chris and Rose all got to know Martin Lther King Jr. as a friend while Jack was working with him.
    • Having been friends the family would be crushed to hear that MLK had died.
    • Jack would be the first to hear and would have a loss for words, he would then phone Rose to tell her what had happened, then would have a sit down with Chis to talk to him about it. -Jack and Rose know how to controltheir feelings, Chris would have quite a bad reaction, he would say that MLK deserved better.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. died

    • Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor for a black church before he became a civil rights activist.
    • He had a wife and four children.
    • He's famous for his i have a dream speech that is still very well known.
    • Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated in a hotel room in Memphis, before his death he had become somewhat of a celebrety for his death was a shock. Martin had touched so many lives and may be one of the most influential people from the last century.
  • Internet became public

    Internet became public
    • the internet made communication across the globe much easier than it had ever been before.
    • sharing information with anyone across the globe would only take a minute.
    • this resulted in magazines and newspaper to have less demand but also created a new platform for those companies to share their articles.
  • Internet became public

    Internet became public
    • Jack would have mixed feelings about the internet becoming popular, for example he may be disappointed to see less people buying magazines or newspapers to support their local industries, but he would be happy to be able to share his articles with a much broader audience and to have access to more sources and be able to apreciate writing from the other side of the world so easily.
    • The internet would make his job of convincing the world the south is not what people think easier.
  • Eckford and Massery make up

    Eckford and Massery make up
    • Havng covered the story of Little Rock high school and the Little Rock Nine, it would have beenpoetic for Jack to cover the story of these two women meeting after fifty years, and he would have been happy to do it.
    • Jack would have been happy to see that people can change for the better and may want to change. He would also be happy to see that Massery had the courage to apologize.
    • It would have been a great token of hope for chris and his cause if it had happened sooner.
  • Eckford and Massery make up

    Eckford and Massery make up
    • Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Massery represented two sides to the civil rights movements.
    • Eckford representing the people of colour who want their rights and to be able to continue with their lives.
    • Massery representing all the people who wouldn't let it happen, the white people who wanted to keep their power.
    • Fifty years later they represent how far people have come in acceptance of one another. Massery apologized to Eckford and Eckford accepted, these women are now friends.