Lindsay's Timeline

  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash in 1929 was a distaster that spread world-wide. Billions of dollars were lost within a matter of weeks and people began to suffer immediately either being out of employment or from starvation, even in fully developed countries like America, Australia and Britain. It was a long lasting era of famine, poverty and sadness.
  • Anschlus between Germany and Austria

    Anschlus between Germany and Austria
    Hitler announces the alliance between Germany and Austria, the year before the war Hitler tries to bring all German speaking countries together in unity. Hitler was attempting to make a super country or alliance that all spoke German which was a dangerous event for Europe which is why it's more significant.
  • The Blitz

    The Blitz
    Germany develops new war tactic called the Blitz which involves repeated attacks that do not stop until success. London was a major target of the Blitz from Hitler's army. This event was a turning point in war tactics and with it we could of seen the fall of London which could cause a catastrophic event.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Pearl Harbour was a reason for America, Australia and Britain to go to war with Japan and end World War 2. With Japan reaching out down from Asia to Australia, it was time for Australia to step in and finish it with our allies America.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a political and social protest campaign that started in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, USA, intended to oppose the city's policy of racial segregation on its public transit system. It was followed by Martin Luther King's speech about freedom and equality amongst all races which is why it's a significant event.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Silent Spring the book was written by Rachel Carson to raise awareness of the American environmental movement and to reveal lies spread by chemical companies about their pesticides. At this time most people were becoming environmentally aware and the book Silent Spring helped everyone along that pathway to being sustainable.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba so that they had the possibility of nuking America in defense and once America found out about this JFK placed a quarantine on the island of Cuba to stop more of the Soviet Union's missiles from entering Cuba, the whole world was in standstill to see if any action of nuclear war would take place, America, Cuba and the Soviet Union were at war. If the nuclear bombs were to go off then the world would be very different today.
  • 1967 Referendum

    1967 Referendum
    The 1967 Referendum was a turning point for the indiginous race of Australia and was when they were allowed to vote and were counted in the census. Basically everything that white children and adults in Australia could do, aboriginies could now do. Instead of trying to breed them out they were seen as people like anyone else.
  • The Population Bomb

    The Population Bomb
    The population bomb was a best selling book written by Paul Ehrlich and his wife about how rapid increase of the world population was going to be the end of the world and needed to be slowed down immediately. The real message brought from the book was that the world needed to be more sustainable and work to help fix problems like global warming and lack of resources. The book without intention, inspired a lot of people to start becoming sustainable.
  • 911 Terrorist Attacks

    911 Terrorist Attacks
    The 911 terrorist attacks were significant to the world as it was the first major attack by a large terrorist organisation in the western world. Along with the tradegy of thousands of lives being lost, the attacks sparked controversy with the government, a lot of anit-government groups said that it was just to get into countries with oil for the US governments gain. A lot of theories but no actual facts.
  • General Al-Qaddafi's death

    General Al-Qaddafi's death
    Leader, General Al-Qaddafi used his country's power and resources to go towards millitary action in the north and cause a menace with surrounding areas. His death was publisized world-wide and was celebrated once the ordeal was over.