Life Span Development

  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Secure attachment
    -Anxious avoidant attachment
    -Tust and mistrust
    -Crying in different tones
  • Period: to


    0-1 Months old
    Pulse 90 to 180, respirations 30 to 60, blood pressure 50 to 70, temp 98-100ºF
  • Physical Changes

    -Vital Signs lower
    -Weight gain should level off
    -Aquaire immunity
    -Neuromuscular growth
    -Learn how to use nervous system
    -Continued development of renal system
    -Teeth grow in
    -Sensory development
  • Period: to


    2 Months to 1 year
    pulse 100 to 160, respirations 25 to 50, blood pressure 70 to 95, temp 96.8ºF
  • Period: to


    1 to 3 years old
    pulse 90 to 150, respirations 20 to 30, blood pressure 80 to 100, temo 96.8ºF- 99.6ºF
  • Physcial Changes

    -Weight Gain
    -independant circulation
    -Fontanelles bind together
  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Learning to speak
    -Seperation anxeity
    -Basic language mastered
    -Interaction with other childern
    -Recongnize sex difference
  • Period: to


    3-6 years old
    pulse 80 to 140, respirations 20 to 25, blood pressure 80 to 100, temp 98.6ºF
  • Period: to

    School age

    6-12 years old
    pulse 70 to 120, respirations 15 to 20, blood pressure 80 to 110, temp 98.6ºF
  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Pre convential reasoning
    -Convential reasoning
    -Postconventional reasoning
    -Self esteem
    -Self concept
  • Physcial Changes

    -Vital signs approach adulthood vital signs
    -Physicl traits
    -Body function
    -Permanent teeth
    -Brain activity increases
  • Period: to


    12-18 years old
    pulse 60 to 100, respirations 12 to 20, blood pressure 90 to 140, temp 98.6ºF
  • Physical Changes

    -Vital signs level off
    -Growth spurt
    -Maturation of human reproductive system
  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Privacy issues
    -Self-consciousness increases
    -Anti-social behavior
    -greater interest in sexual relations
    -Personal code of ethics
  • Period: to

    Early Adults

    19-40 years old
    pulse 6 to 100, respirations 12 to 20, blood pressure 90 to 140, temp 98.6ºF
  • Physical Changes

    -Body functioning at optimal level
    -habits, exercise are solidified.
    -Disks in spine settle
    -Fatty tissue increases
    -muscle strangth decreases
    -Reflexes slow
  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Life, work,family, stress.
    - love, child birth
  • Period: to

    Middle Adult

    41-60 years old
    pulse 60 to 100, respirations 12 to 20, blood pressure 90 to 140, temp 98.6ºF
  • Physical Changes

    -Vulnerable to vision and hearing loss.
    -Cardiovascular health is an issue.
    -Medical problems
  • Psychosocial Changes

    • life goals -readjust lifestyle
  • Period: to

    Late Adult

    Pluse, respirations, and blood pressure all depend on health, and temo in 98.6ºF
  • Physical Changes

    -vital signs may vary
    -Cardiac functions decrease
    -Airway increases
    -Endocrine declines
    -Changes in gastric and intestinal function
    -Structural and functional changes occur in kidneys
    -Brain weight may shrink
    -Sensory changes
  • Psychosocial Changes

    -Terminal drop hypothesis
    -health care