life of edgar allan poe

By airelbb
  • baby poe

    baby poe
    the birth of edgar alllan poe
  • his dad left hiim

    his dad left hiim
    his dad left while he was very young
  • he is sparted from his sblings

    he is sparted from his sblings
    he has to go to a foster home
  • his mother died

    his mother died
    his mom died of tubulosis
  • first love dies of brain cancer

    first love dies of brain cancer
    his love dies that makes another women lost in his life
  • his foster mom gets tuberculosis

    his foster mom gets tuberculosis
    he has another women he is close to gets tuberculosis
  • his foster dad sent him to borading school

    his foster dad sent him to  borading school
    his foster dad cheats on his foster mom
  • he is very poor

    he is very poor
    edgar was so poor he had to burn his furniture
  • edgars foster mom died

    edgars foster mom died
    he was very close to his foster mother
  • his foster father was a bad man

    his foster father was a bad man
    he went to see john on his death bed he left edgar no money
  • he falls in love with virgina

    he fall in love with his fist cousin virgina
  • he marries virgina