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  • 403 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy
    Greek Democracy was the first known form of democracy which is what created the idea of a government where citizens have a somewhat say in what happened in their country. At this time however, only wealthy men had the right to vote. This was a step towards liberalism as it influenced & created a close representation of how a society should function.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta help to form the rule of law, it was a document signed by King John that guaranteed rights and freedoms and that everyone was subjected to the law even the king. This was formed because of the disagreement of the king's power and the rumors of rebellion. This helped limit the absolute authority of the king and helped promote individuals choices.
  • 1400


    The renaissance means rebirth. It promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature, and art. One major achievement of the Renaissance was it helped benefit citizens to be valued and respected as equal. We started to think on our own without having higher power individual force decisions upon us.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    The Haudenosaunee Confederacy was one of the first concepts of government to have been created in Canada. This was a confederation made by the Iroquois of Canada. The name "Haudenosaunee" refers to "People of the long house", implying how the six nations came together to form an agreement for betterment of the people. Being at war with each other, these nation came into harmony because they realized that their traditions & their liberty was more important than their feuds between nations.
  • 1517


    The Reformation began with Martin Luther who believed the church had to much power. The church's power did not help with the benefit of society because it didn't support most self-interest. Throughout time the countries fought for freedom from the Catholic church and started to rebuild a system relating to individuals choices rather than a group's decision. This benefited liberalism because the reformation helped society to become more individualistic.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    People lived under the feudal system until the industrial revolution began. The industrial revolution shifted the peoples way of life from feudalism to industrialism which gave the people liberty through slowly tearing away the control that the church had over the people. Before this revolution, poor people didn't even own their own land & usually could not find a way to rise up in social classes. This was a huge step for liberalism & human rights.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The enlightenment happened in europe during the late 17th to early 18th centuries. It was known as the age of reason, it helped prompt new philosophies and scientific methods. These philosophies believed in the self-interest of an individual over a dictator’s opinion. The enlightenment promoted individualism which helped individuals to become more self-reliant and unique and create a better well-being in general.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was also a great step for liberalism as Britain colonies who had created a society in the modern day United States of America. They decided that they did not want to continue paying taxes abroad to Britain & became their own country & government. This showed the colonies becoming more independent & create a better way of life for themselves. They saw liberty & took the opportunity to create their best lives away from Britains dominant control.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The french revolution had a tremendous impact on the creation of liberalism around the world. As the french people grew with hunger, they began starting riots throughout France & demanded a change in their society. This revolution led to the disablement of the class structure at this time & also showed how people should have liberty & be treated equally. Their class structure made poor people starve as the one percent lived lavishly. The french revolution created a change for the best.
  • Changes To Class System

    Changes To Class System
    The change in the class system in the 19th century was the start of social equality and freedom within a society. Before the change we were mostly subjected to a group and not as independent individuals, this gave very minimal opportunity to increase your wealth or well-being. The change helped value all individuals as equal and independent.