Importance of education 1

Leanne Gilbert Educational Timeline

  • The 1944 Education Act

    The 1944 Education Act
    The 1944 education act was probably the most important thing to happen to education. The act stated that all children must attend school until the age of 15, the education they recieve will be free and they are also allowed to stay on until they are 18 if they wish. The act also introduced the 11+ exam, which decided which type of high school the children attended either: Grammar, Secondary Modern or Secondary Technical schools. Grammar schools were for the children who 'passed' the 11+.
  • Free school milk!

    Free school milk!
    The start of free milk in schools. 1/3 of a pint of milk was provided free by every school. This was introduced by Ellen Wilkinson, who was the first woman Minster of Education
  • Introduction of GCE's and Churchill becomes Priminister

    Introduction of GCE's and Churchill becomes Priminister
    Churchill was elected as Priminister, one of the first things he did was drastically cut spending on education. Another thing that Churchills government introduced was the GCE's ( General Certificate of Education).
  • The Crowther report 1959

    The Crowther report 1959
    The Crowther report reccommended that the school leaving age be raised by a year to 16, but this didnt happen until 1973. The report also suggested a need for a wider range of courses other than just A-levels to cater to more people
  • The Beloe Report

    The Beloe Report
    It recommended a new style of exam for less academic children as an alrenative to the O levels that would still run alongside them. As a result, the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) was introduced in 1965.
  • CSE's introduced

    CSE's introduced
    CSE's were introduced as a result of the Beloe Report (1960) they ran alongside O levels with more academic children sitting the O levels and less academic children sitting the CSE's. This act affected my parents because my mother sat O levels and my father sat CSE's.
  • No more free school milk!

    No more free school milk!
    Margaret Thatcher the milk snatcher limited the provisions for milk in schools under the Education Act 1971
  • School leaving age raised to 16

    School leaving age raised to 16
    The school age was finally raised to 16 many years after other reports had suggeested this be done
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975

    Sex Discrimination Act 1975
    The Sex Discrimination act means that males and females were now treated equally. In the past women were at a disadvantage in education but now they couldnt be selected against based on gender they had an equal chance at a good education and opportunites such as grammar schools.
  • Compulsary PGCE's

    Compulsary PGCE's
    To be a teacher you now had to complete a PGCE course, before now anyone could be a teacher, now you had to do a course so you were to a certain standard
  • Warnock report

    Warnock report
    Introduced the idea of special educational needs SEN, to make sure these children were given a fair chance at education they were set realistic goals of achievement and promoted that these children should attend main stream school as much as possible so they are included
  • GCSE's Introduced

    GCSE's Introduced
    GCSE's General Certificate of Secondary Education replaced GCE, CSE and O levels. They were an exam that everyone sat there wasnt a two tier system anymore everyone had an equal chance at getting grades on the same exam system.
    This has affected my education because I sat GCSE's at the end of high school
  • The national curriculum introduced

    The national curriculum introduced
    As a result of the Education reform act 1988 the national curriculum was introduced this meant that all children had the same education, working towards the same standards from the same scheme of work.
    This has affected my education because thoughout school I would have been taught using the National Curriculum even if I did not know it at the time.
  • John Major becomes PM

    John Major becomes PM
    John Major becomes leader of conservatives and PM. This has had a big infulence on my education because 1990 is the year I was born so everything he did to education applied to me.
  • I was born!!

    I was born!!
    Born 19/09/1990 in sandwell hospital at 9:30 pm
  • Introduction of SATS tests

    Introduction of SATS tests
    John Major intoduced SAT's tests, this was to try and improve attainment in the core subjects: Maths, English and Science.
    This affected my education becasue SAT's was a very stressfull time in school with a lot of pressure on us. There is also the possibility that we were 'taught to SAT's' not the basic skills we needed in life.

    John Major introduced OFSTED to inspect schools. This has had an impact on my education because I have been in class with OFSED inspectors and it also had an effect on my education because the high school I attnding was under special measures.
  • Started home schooling till year 2

    Started home schooling till year 2
    I could not get a place at the school my parents wanted me to go to, so I was home schooled unitl there was a place in school for me in year 2
  • Tony Blair and Labour came to power

    Tony Blair and Labour came to power
    Tony Blair and Labour came to power
  • Started Glebefields Primary School in year 2

    Started Glebefields Primary School in year 2
    Started Glebefields Primary School in year 2, It was a scary experience starting a school where everyone already knew each other but I soon fitted in!
  • City Academies

    City Academies
    David Blunkett announced a network of academies that would be private schools paid for by the state. This has affected me because I have worked at an academy for a year and it is very different to a 'normal' school
  • KS2 SATS

    KS2 SATS
    Achieved 3x level 5's in my KS2 SATS
  • Left Glebefields Primay School

    Left Glebefields Primay School
    Finished year 6 at Glebefields Primary School and left for high school
  • Started Alexandra High School

    Started Alexandra High School
    Started Alexandra High School, Tipton
  • Workforce remodelling

    Workforce remodelling
    The employment of more teaching assistants to help teachers
  • KS3 SATS

    KS3 SATS
    Achieved 3x level 7's in my KS3 SATS
  • Education and Inspections act

    Education and Inspections act
    Gave schools more power of their own affairs
    Created power for staff to discipline pupils
    Poorer pupils would get support with transport
    A failing school would have a year to improve or it would be 'shut down' and run by external people
    Parents can set up their own schools
    Got rid of Double award and put in core and additional science, I was the last year to sit Double award
  • Sat my GCSE's

    Sat my GCSE's
    Sat GCSE'S
  • Finished Alexandra High School

    Finished Alexandra High School
    Finished Alexandra High School and decided to stay on at sixth form
  • Started Alexandra Sixth Form Centre

    Started Alexandra Sixth Form Centre
    Started my A-levels at Alexandra Sixth Form Centre, Tipton
  • KS3 SAT's abolished

    KS3 SAT's abolished
    KS3 SAT's were abolished with immediate effect. The SAT's caused a lot of extra stress for staff and pupils, and they didnt count towards the pupils future, teachers were forced to teach to test which wasnt beneficial for pupils so they got abaolished
  • Sat my A- Levels

    Sat my A- Levels
    Sat my A- levels got the grades I needed to start University
  • Left Alexandra Sixth Form Centre

    Left Alexandra Sixth Form Centre
    Left Alexandra Sixth Form Centre to start University
  • Started Nottingham Trent University

    Started Nottingham Trent University
    Started Studying Microbiology at Nottingham Trent, Clifton Campus and studied there for a year
  • Started University of Wolverhampton

    Started University of Wolverhampton
    Finished off my degree at The University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Campus, starting in my second year!
  • Graduated from The university of Wolverhampton

    Graduated from The university of Wolverhampton
    Graduated from The university of Wolverhampton with a 2:1 !!
  • There is no national curriculum

    There is no national curriculum
    For the first time since 1988 there is a school year operating without a national curriculum. The conservative governent have abolished the one set in 2006, but are not bringing another into force until September 2014.
    This is going to have a huge impact on my teacher training because there is no national curriculum for me to work to and when I start my NQT year there will be a completely new curriculum.
    The conservatives have also abolished levels e.g. level 5,6,7 in ks3
  • Started my PGCE at The University of Wolverhampton

    Started my PGCE at The University of Wolverhampton
    Started my PGCE at The University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus