Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf was the story of "My Struggle" by Adolf Hitler that inspired the German people behind him, gaining him extreme amounts of power throughout the country and stirring many people up with his anti-sematic views and visions for world conquest. -
The Stock Market Crash
The Wall Street Stock Market crashed, beginning the great depression, and throwing Germany into an even deeper depression that allowed for many people to accept extreme views to try and lift themselves out of their rut. It also gave other countries heavy economic problems so that they didn't worry about the whole Hitler thing as much. -
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The Great Depression
The Great Depression was instigated by the Wall Street Stock Market Crash, it gave many countries many problems to deal with so they ignored other countries, like Germany, and it made people look to extreme movements to restore their economy, like Nazi's. -
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Japanese Expansion
Japan began expanding rapidly throughout the South Pacific and Asia to gain natural resources to maintain themselves for the US trade embagro on Japan. These imperialist policies gained Japan substantial land and natural resources so that they were much more self sufficient. -
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Hitlers Rise to Power
The Nazi party began gaining parliement seats after Mein Kampf and stirring speaches brought support to them. Hitler then ran for president of the Weimar Republic and while lossing, did become Vice President, but quickly became president and established himself as chancellor and asserted complete control over Germany with is senate majority. -
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Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
The Japanese Invasion of Manchuria expanded Japanese power throughout Asia by giving them much more natural resources to exploit. It was one of the kicking off invasions to start their imperialization of East Asia and the Pacific Islands. -
Enabling Act
The Enabling Act allowed the executive branch of the government to pass laws without the consent of Congress, this allowed Hitler to pass extreme anti-semetic laws without any opposition from Congress. This also allowed him to support his military with funding without having to go through any legal checks. -
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were a series of laws passed in 1935 to restrict the general rights of Jews in Nazi Germany. The laws did such extreme things as force Jews to submit to counting, wear Stars of David in public, and even took away their citizenship in Germany, These laws started the extreme anti-semetic movement in Germany that culminated with the masses extermination of Jewish People. -
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Italian-Ethiopian War
This war gave Italy substantially more power and also allowed them to train their army in a live setting. In addition it gave them more respect in the international community for destorying a country that have previously defeated them. -
Remilitarization of the Rhineland
Germany violated the Treaty of Versilles and moved their military forces into the Rhineland in preparation for the invasion of France. -
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Spanish Civil War
This war gave Germany and Italy a grounds to test their new weapons like dive bombers and improved machine guns and tanks as well as gain combat expirience in preparation for their upcoming World War. -
Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking gave Japan a large city in China as well as created an international opinion that was much more negative than before towards the Japanese for committing such an attrocoty, bringing the US closer to lending major aid toward China. -
Germany annexed Austria to give Germany considerably more resources and man power so they could ramp up their build up towards a full scale war with England and Russia. -
England (Chamberlain) and France met with Hitler's Germany and agreed to allow Hitler to invade and conquer Czechoslovakia in hopes of appeasing Hitler and prevent conteinental war. -
Munich Agreement
The English and French agreed to allow Hitler to annex the Suderland in exchange for continued peace in Europe as a whole.