Lauren, Logan, Trevor, period 2

  • Truman ended segregation of military

    truman ended segeregation of the military
  • naccp

    ending segerigation in public schools.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Supreme court ruled that the new shool did not provide african americans with access to equal acidemic prestige facillities or instructors.
  • 1954 desegragation

    Three school dostrics of the entire south began to desegragate and the school board in little rock arkansas decited to intergrate one highschool first.
  • brown vs. board of education

    supreme court rules segregation in public schools was illegal
  • Rosa Parks

    rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white passanger she was arrested and then the naacp organised an african american boycott bus system called the montgomary bus boycott
  • montgomary segregated bus system

    supreme court ruled that montgomarys segregated bus system was illegal
  • eisenhower

    forced troops to desegrigation
  • central highschool

    nine outstanding african american students were selected to attend central highschool
  • First african american to graduate

    Ernest Green was the first sfrican american to graduate from central highschool.
  • little rock

    little rock was shut down for the year.
  • James Meredith

    James meredith was the first african american to attend a university