
Late Teens & Roaring 20's by Jonathan Guevarez

  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    Made it illegal to produce, sale, and transport alcohol.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The first national fear of the rise of communism.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The act that outlawed the sale of alcohol.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    The deportation of radicals and anarchists, during the time of the Red Scare after Alexander Palmer's house is bombed by anarchist.
  • Treaty of Versailles rejected

    Treaty of Versailles rejected
    The treaty of versailles was attempted to be ratifed and was rejected by the senate.
  • Harlem Renaissance Began

    Harlem Renaissance Began
    An African-American cultural movement that happened during the 1920's.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Gave women the right to vote.
  • Warren G. Harding Elected President

    Warren G. Harding Elected President
    Warren G. Harding is elected President.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Executed

    Sacco and Vanzetti Executed
    Two anarchist who were wrongfully executed after being accused of murdering two people.
  • Washington Dsarmament Conference

    Washington Dsarmament Conference
    The first arms control conference in history and resulted in the Four-Power Treaty, Five-Power Treaty, and the Nine-Power treaty.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    When Albert B. Fall gave private companies navy petroleum reserves for a low price.
  • Fordney-Mccumber Tariff

    Fordney-Mccumber Tariff
    To protect american farms and factories, congress raised tariffs on imported goods.
  • Calvin Coolidge Became President

    Calvin Coolidge Became President
    Calvin Coolidge is President.
  • J. Edgar Hoover Appointed Director of the Bureau of Investigation

    J. Edgar Hoover Appointed Director of the Bureau of Investigation
    Was appointed Director of what would eventually becom the FBI, the Bureau of Investigation.
  • Immigration act Basic Law

    Immigration act Basic Law
    Act that restricted the amount of immigrans that could come to the U.S.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    The Scopes Trial was a trial where a Teacher was accused of teaching evolution in Tennessee.
  • NBC was founded

    NBC was founded
    The radio and television network was founded.
  • Charles Lindbergh Made First Trans-Atlantic Flight

    Charles Lindbergh Made First Trans-Atlantic Flight
    First to fly across the antlantic ocean alone.
  • Jazz Singer Released

    Jazz Singer Released
    Was the first movie that had sound dialogue and was not silent like the movies before it.
  • Ameliea Earhart Flew Solo Across the Atlantic

    Ameliea Earhart Flew Solo Across the Atlantic
    First female to fly Solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    This pact was angreement made by multiple countries that they would not resort to war to solve problems.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    The murder of 7 members of gang rival to Al Capones gang.
  • Herbert Hoover is elected President

    Herbert Hoover is elected President
    Herbert Hoover was elected president of the United States.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The biggest Stock Market Crash in the U.S. which also resulted in the Great Depression.
  • Great Depression Began

    Great Depression Began
    A big economic depression that resulted from the "Black Tuesday" market crash.