My Language Learning Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    This day I was born.I heard people speaking for the first time of my life.
  • My first word

    My first word
    I asked my mother which was my first word. It was before my first birthday but we don't know when it was exactly. She told me that it was "iai". It's the way I call my grandfather. I think it doesn't exist in any particular language and I don't know why I call it that.
  • Started studying languages

    Started studying languages
    I started learning Catalan and Spanish in "Purificació Salas i Xandri"
  • New language

    New language
    I started studying English in school. The teacher taught us some words in English. For example how to say the name of the colours and toys. We used to sing songs that the teacher taught us.
  • English out of school

    English out of school
    I started studying English out of school going to extracurricular classes of English. The teacher's name is Lynne, she was the mother of a classmate. She is from England so she speaks perfect English.
  • Studied in TEK

    Studied in TEK
    I went to an academy of English called Tek. I stayed there for two years. It is in Sant Quirze. The teachers name was Peter, he was also native from England. This teacher didn't speak Spanish so we had to talk to him in English.
  • Learning in Elms School

    Learning in Elms School
    I started going to Elms School to study English. The first year my teacher was Xavi. From the second year my teacher is Mark, he is from Scarborough. Now I'm studying Pre-FCE.
  • Started studying French

    Started studying French
    I started studying French in the high school. I had 5 different teachers of French since then.
  • French exchange

    French exchange
    I went to Montpellier with almost all my classmates of French. We spent there 5 days. The mornings we were in an academy of French called ILP and the afternoons we did some activities in the city but the second day we went to" Aigues Mortes" which is a city surrounded by a medieval city wall.
  • Roadtrip to Portugal

    Roadtrip to Portugal
    I travelled to Portugal with my family by campervan. I had to speak in English because I don't know Portuguese.
  • Roadtrip to Slovenia

    Roadtrip to Slovenia
    I went to Slovenia and Croatia with my family by campervan. We crossed France and the North of Italy. In this trip I had to talk English because very few people spoke Spanish. In Slovenia everyone was able to talk in English.