Language learning timeline

  • My first word

    My first word
    When I was 4 months, my first word I said was mama
  • When I learnt to speak better

    When I learnt to speak better
    When I was one year, started at crèche and I learnt to speak better the spanish and catalan words.
  • I learnt also some few dutch words

    I learnt also some few dutch words
    Every year I'm going to Holland with my family to visit my grandfathers and I have learned a few dutch words. My father, who is dutch and my grandmother sang Dutch songs.
  • Travel to Paris

    Travel to Paris
    In holidays I visit Paris with my family and we went to Disney Land Paris, which is an amusement park with stars of movies disney. I love it France and his language. In this travel I learned a few words of French
  • English Summer Camp

    In the summer I went to English Summer Camp with my sister. In the morning I was at English classes and in the afternoon we did sport activities in English.
  • Started to study English

    Started to study English
    In the school I started to study English with six years old. The first word I said in English was red.
  • Travel to London

    Travel to London
    I visit London and the north of England with my family and so I learned some English. London is a very beautiful city, and I want to visit it again. Also we visited Liverpool and the Beatles museum and the first underground bar where they acted for the first time.
  • Study French

    Study French
    In first of ESO I started study French in school. My first word I said in French was Bonjour. French is a beautiful language. At the beginning is easy and then is more difficult to speak.
  • Travel to Montpellier with school

    Travel to Montpellier with school
    In first course of French we went to Montpellier in a family home. In the morning we went to studied French in a Academy and in the afternoon visited the city. I think it is an experience to learn the language better.
  • I stopped studying French

    I stopped studying French language because It's very difficult for me but I have plan to study French again.