Land Tranportation

By Niriale
  • Jan 1, 770


    When Human's started using horses as tranpotation.
  • Period: Jan 1, 770 to

    Land Traspertation

  • Hosebus yeah:)

    Hosebus yeah:)
    For the first half of the twentieth century the Fairford Branch like so many rural lines up and down the country continued to serve the local community with remarkably little change in the pattern of services. The second world war did however bring an increase in traffic to the line and numerous track improvements were put in place to cater for the extra traffic. Aerodromes at Fairford, Broadwell (near Alvescot), Brize Norton & Stanton Harcourt, as well as various army camps all ensured a large
  • Firstv road vehicle

    Firstv road vehicle
    The road vehicle was invented.
  • Carriage

    Our 1800s a carriage is perfect way of transportation.Carriages were often robbed because it was very low or worthless boy mounted on a miserable hack too often suspected of being in collusion with the robber.
  • Bikes

    The next appearance of a two-wheeled riding machine was in 1865, when pedals were applied directly to the front wheel. This machine was known as the velocipede ("fast foot"), but was popularly known as the bone shaker, since it was also made entirely of wood, then later with metal tires, and the combination of these with the cobblestone roads of the day made for an extremely uncomfortable ride. They also became a fad, and indoor riding academies, similar to roller rinks, could be found in large
  • Cable Car

    Cable Car
    Andrew Hallidie tests the first cable car in San Francisco.Hallidie is said to have conceived his idea in 1869 while watching a team of horses being whipped as they struggled to pull a car up wet cobblestones on Nob Hill. They slipped and were dragged to their deaths.
  • Motorcycle

    We car guys can easily pinpoint the first automobile ever built, right? How about the first motorcycle? Bonhams will be auctioning what they describe as the first motorcycle built – an 1895 Hildebrand and Wolfmuller at the International Classic MotorCycle Show in Staffordshire in April.
  • Choo Choo Train Time

    Choo Choo Train Time
    George Stephenson was born in Wylam, England, several miles west of Newcastle upon Tyne. In 1748, a wagonway -- an arrangement similar to a railway, but with wooden tracks and designed to support horse-drawn carts -- had been built from the Wylam colliery to the River Tyne, running for several miles. The young Stephenson grew up near it, and in 1802 gained employment as an engine-man at a coal mine. For the next ten years his knowledge of steam engines increased, until in 1812 he stopped operati
  • Car

    Originally designed for the European market, the Chrysler 300M has become a huge hit with American customers, thanks to its unique blend of virtues.
    Although most domestic luxury cars still appear to be the result of a bigger-is-better philosophy, the 300M measures less than 200 inches in length, to better fit on narrower European roads and in smaller parking garages. But inside, the 300M reflects its LH-platform heritage by packaging the volume that's only offered by the largest, and most expe
  • Upgrade with horse's

    Upgrade with horse's
    Huma's discoveryed that putting on horse's go faster on horseshoe than with out.