
Laisha G History of Science

By LaishaG
  • 438 BCE

    Aristotle's elemental model of Cosmology

    Aristotle's elemental model of Cosmology
    Plato's and Aristotle's discoveries made a change to science with both of their education. With Plato's discoveries we learned how to properly think with his connection to the cosmos. Aristotle was heavily influenced by Plato.
  • 150 BCE

    Roman Engineering

    Roman Engineering
    Roman engineering had a strong and heavy influence on the way that science is now. Most Romans inherited their knowledge from greek people. They developed throughout the years influencing many other civilization around them.The most important technology the Romans created was the way they dealt with the state itself, they had a complicated legal system, a well supplied army, public food, and public games.Epistemic work was important to Romans because of the knowledge and theories they would get
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Science in Middle Ages Europe

    I learned that the fall of the Roman empire happened in the beginning of the dark ages & middle ages. Prophet of Islam, Muhammad is boring in 570 AC. King John of England signed the magna carta in 1215 AC. The hundred years war began between England and France in 1337 AC Joan of Arc was killed by England at 19 in 1431 AC.
  • 1098

    Saint Hildegard

    Saint Hildegard
    Hildegard of Bingen was born in 1098 in Germany. She was a visionary mystic. Who claimed to see god and received messages from him. She had a bunch of visions that were prophetic and apocalyptic. She traveled throughout Germany, gathering groups of people about her visions and religious theories. Pope Benedict XVI declared her a saint and considered her a patron saint of musicians and writers. And passed away in 1179.
  • Period: 1300 to


  • 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was a legendary artist, scientist, and also an inventor during the italian renaissance. He was from Italy. Born April 15, 1452 in Vinci Italy. Passed away on May 2, 1519 in Amboise, Kingdom of France. Many of Leonardo’s drawings were made from his scientific knowledge and inventions. Leonardo had a bunch of contributions to science, his research led him to discoveries in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.
  • 1543

    Hellocentric system

    Hellocentric system
    Nicolaus Copernicus discovered a heliocentric system
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Discovery of Blood Circulation

    Discovery of Blood Circulation
    William Harvey discovered the function of the heart and circulation of blood making it one of the greatest medical discoveries of time
  • Atomic Theory

    Atomic Theory
    John discovered the atomic theory, where it explains how all matter is made of atoms
  • Electrolysis

    Faraday discovered the laws of electrolysis.
  • Theory of Evolution

    Theory of Evolution
    Charles discovered the theory of evolution.
  • Electromagnetism

    James discovered electromagnetic radiation,
  • Quantum Physics

    Quantum Physics
    Niels discovered quantum mechanics