Korean War

  • Korean War breaks out

    Korean War breaks out
    North Korea Invades South Korea
  • Truman asks for war

    Truman asks for war
    Truman askes United Nations for War
  • Truman chooses Douglas MacAthure

    Truman chooses Douglas MacAthure
    Truman picks Douglas MacArthure to be commander
  • MacAruthur lands troops

    MacAruthur lands troops
    MacArthur Lands troops at Inchon in northwestern South Korea and attacks enmy supply lines from behind
  • China Enters War

    China Enters War
    China warned MacArthur not to advance any farther into China. MacArthur ingnors threat and advances. China enters war.
  • Home by Christmas

    Home by Christmas
    MacArthur was the war to be over so charges harder into China fighs back even harder.
  • MacArthur is Fired

    MacArthur is Fired
    MacArthur wants to bread stalemate by opening an secoud front in china Turman says no but MacArthur ingonos then Turman fires him
  • War is Over

    War is Over
    When peace talk is at a stalemate, Eisehnhower threatens to use atomic wepons then a turce is made borders are put almost exactly in the same spot