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Korean War

By 1924302
  • The Lead Up To The War

    The Lead Up To The War
    1. Japanese Occupation In 1910 when the Japanese Empire in Asia at the time takes over Korea communism starts to spread and with the spread of communism the 38th parallel is created which splits Korea into North and South Korea which makes tensions in Korea at an all time high.
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    The Lead Up To The War

    1. American Containment The American Government and other North American Governments used the fear factor and manipulation to get the citizens of South Korea to not lean towards Communism as a country.
  • The Lead Up To The War

    The Lead Up To The War
    1. After WW2 the spread of communism begin to grow and become a more popular governmental structure and eventually it reached the northern part of Korea with them getting taken over by Japan.
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    North Korea invaded South korea and the beginning of the Korean War starts.
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    The Major Wars

    The battles in the korean war that had the most impact in the Korean War
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    First Battle Of Seoul

    The first battle in the Korean war was at the most vital place in Korea at the time during the war. In this battle North Korea captured Seoul from South Korea in their pushed to take over the whole country to push further in the communistic world.
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    Operation Courageous

    The main purpose of this operation was for the United Nations Command to trap large numbers of the Chinese and Korean Armys north of the Seoul and between the Han and Imjin rivers. The purpose of the whole operation was after the were trapped to slowly attack and lower their number which made it easier in The Battle Of Kapyong.
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    The Battle of Kapyong

    The battle was between the United Nations Command and the Chinese Volunteer Army. The fighting was between the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade. The outcome of this battle was the Chinese overtook the Valley of Kapyong River which leads to the city. It was overtaken by the chinese but then the United Nations Command quickly pushed to take it back which lead to them stopping the chinese from reaching the city. This is also known as the battle of the Imjin River.
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    The Battle Of Kumsong

    The Battle was longer then the normal battles but ended up being a negotiation and after the United Nations presented a imprisonment proposal it was declined and the Chinese and Koreans were going to pull out but the battle ended which led to the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed.