Knight picture

Knights Breanna

  • Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Dec 31, 1500

    Time span of the Kights

  • Aug 28, 1066

    The battle of hastings

    The battle of hastings
    The battle of hastings was one of the first recording of a military engagement using knight on horseback.
  • Aug 28, 1125

    Early 1100's

    Early 1100's
    In the early 1100's Knights wore:
    - a cone-shaped helmet with a metal nose strip.
    - a long chain mail suit with sleeves (called a hauberk). It was made with thousands of metal rings.
    - a large kite-shaped shield.
    - a padded woolen tunic (called a gambeson).
  • Aug 28, 1175

    Late 1100's

    Late 1100's
    Knight in the late 1100's wore:
    - a rounder helmet with a wider nose band.
    - a lose-fitting surcoat worn over chain mail amour to protect it from the sun's heat.
    - a coat of arms which identifies the knight.
    - a hauberk which now cover the neck and is attached to the helmet with a leather strap.
    - a shield that isn't as big and is more triangular.
    - chain mail leggings that now cover the feet.
  • Aug 28, 1350

    The 1300's

    The 1300's
    Knights in the 1300's wore:
    - bascinet helmets with a visor that could be lifted up.
    - added pieces of hammered iron for more protection.
    - amour with a total weight that is so great that a knight can't get up once he has fallen over in a battle.
    - a shield which is smaller and more curved for added protection.
    - iron gloves (called guntlets) to protect their hands
    - a hauberk that is even shorter.
    - padded stockings with iron braces.
  • Aug 28, 1450

    The 1400's

    The 1400's
    Knights in the 1400's wore:
    - a whole suit of amour that weighs 25 kilograms but is much more flexible than chin mail.
    - lighter helmets (called barbutes)
    - plated amour (made out of hammered iron) that covers the whole body. Joined with metal riverts and leather straps.
    - iron shoes
    - no more shields