
Key Battles of the American Revolution

  • Concord

    After Lexington King George sent British troops to capture Colonist's stockpiled gunpowder in Concord. The British soon retreated. The British deaths outnumbered the colonist so it was a colonist victory.
  • Lexington

    Home of the "Shot heard 'round the world". This was the first battle of the American Revolutioary War. Whiich was fought in Middlesex county, Massachusetts. No one knows for sure which side fired the first shot, but they do know the British came out victorious.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    As the war progressed colonist realized they didn't have enough weapans, so Fort Ticonderoca in New York became a target because is held lots of the British weapons. Also the Colonish liked that its location allowed controll over waterways to cannada. The Green Mountian boys snuck into the Fort while the British were sleeping and seized the fort. Another Colonial victory.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    At first this battle was foought on Breeds hill but the colonist were forced to retreat the bunker hill. Colonist were running out on amunition fast so they were given the order, "Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes," This battle was won by the British forces but not without the loss of 1,150 soldiers. Because they killed so many Brithsh this battle instilled confidence in the colonist that they could defend themselfs aginst the Brithsh Forces.
  • Quebec

    This battle took place in the province of Quebec. The colonist wanted to take the City of Quebec from the British in order to gain support from the Cannadians. The Colonist failed, it was their first major defeat in the war.
  • Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)

    Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)
    This was the first battle fought after the Declaration of Independence. After this, battles were centered in the North for several years. The colonist were defeted and many were captured by the British.
  • Saratoga

    The British under control of Burgoyne were making their way South to cut off New England form the other colonies. While tthat was happening General Washington sent a message out that all millitias able to join his troops should. He had already realized a major battle was about to take place. Washington forced the British to surender. This battle was the turning point in the war becuse it prooved to the French the American had a chance at winning and were worth helping.
  • Charleston

    Located in South Carrolina, a state divied between feirce loyalist and hard core patriots. The British first used the loyalist to fight then guerrilla warfare began. The British took the victory. This was one of the most devistating losses for the colonist with more than 3,000 troops captured.
  • Kings Mountian

    Kings Mountian
    Called the,"Turn of the tides of success" by Thomas Jefferson. This battle was fought only between loyalist and Patriots. The Patriots came out victorious.
  • Guilford Couthouse

    Guilford Couthouse
    This was huge southern battle. 79 colonist were killed and 185 were wounded but even though the British won this battle they suffered much worse with 93 killed and 413 wounded.
  • YorkTown

    This was the finnal Battle of the Revolutionary War. The Colonist led by General George washington and with the French help surrounded the Britsh on the Yorktown Peninsla where General cornwallis was forced to surrender resulting in the colonist winning the war.