Kemarie McClellan 3B

By kariso
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected president

    Abraham Lincoln is elected president
    this election Caused the south to start plans to secedes from the north because of there undying hatred of the elected president Abraham Lincoln
  • The First Bull Run

    The First Bull Run
    The battle first being won by the south and there general Beauregard but when the opposing general McDowell and his northern forces get more troops they take over the battle and push back the southerners
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    the first major battle in Tennessee Southern General Albert Sidney Johnston a veteran of the Texas War of Independence and the War with Mexico considered to be one of the finest officers the South has is killed on the first day of fighting. The Union victory further secures the career of northern General Ulysses S. Grant.
  • The Battle of Anitiem

    The Battle of Anitiem
    the bloodiest single day of the Civil War The result of the battle ends General Lee's first invasion of the North Following the north's victory The current president of the united states President Lincoln will come out with the Emancipation Proclamation, an order that freed every slave in the "Rebelious" States As kind of a kick in the teeth
  • The Battle Of Chancellorsville

    The Battle Of Chancellorsville
    This resulted in a south victory that stopped a flanking by Gen. Joseph Hooker’s Army against the left of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. The Southern victory was diminished by the loss of Lt. Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, mortally wounded by his own men who mistook him for a fow
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    After the battle of gettysburg Lincoln was asked to speak at the dedication ceremony for the national cemetery at Gettysburg. His speech paid respects to the fallen soldiers while saying that a failure to take back the South would be a failure to America's Founding Fathers.