
Karl "with a K"

  • Where Is He From?

    Karl was born and raised in the slums of Bronx, New York. Living there for eighteen years, he would have to combat the forces of poverty, destitution, violence, and crime that pervaded his environment daily. Rather than decline to a life of delinquency, he instead chose to document his story in poems that he hopes will inspire and uplift people like him the world over.
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    Before Howard

    Living in the Bronx for eighteen years, he would have to combat the forces of poverty, destitution, violence, and crime that pervaded his environment daily. Rather than decline to a life of delinquency, he instead chose to document his story in poems that he hopes will inspire and uplift people like him the world over.
  • Accomplishments at Howard

    Accomplishments at Howard
    Since coming to Howard University last summer he has already published his first book of poetry and been “Bison of the Week”.
  • Problems He Has Noticed

    Problems He Has Noticed
    There has recently been a noticeable decline in services provided by the school, there have been fires in Meridian and the Quad dormitories, and the school has lost power several times in the past two weeks causing BlackBurn to close, thus inconveniencing the student body. The cost of tuition to attend this school is high and outside of the financial tax bracket of a majority of the student body, and considering this, the quality of student life is unnaceptable.
  • What Is His Goal?

    What Is His Goal?
    Karl “with a K” is now running for Executive President of HUSA. As Executive President he wishes to spearhead a campaign to restore Howard University back to its rightful owners—the students. He will do everything in his power to rally the students against these daily injustices that we are subjected to and strive to make Howard University live up to its name as the preeminent HBCU in the country.
  • Problems at Howard

    He has been a personal victim of the abuse and exploitation often perpetrated on Howard University students by the administration. As is the case with many other students, Howard University accepted him without giving him the money to pay for the cost of his education. This led to him facing eviction from his dormitory and having tremendous difficulty registering for classes this semester.