School clip art 151

Karen's Language Timeline

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    First Language Experience

    During my childhood I learned the first spanish words that usually infants learned. The english wasn't present yet.
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    Elementary Language Experiences

    I learned more Spanish vocabulary, talked in complete sentences, learned how to read and write. I started to learn very basic and simple English words.
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    Language Experiences in Secondary

    The develop in Spanish comprehension, the redaction of shorts essays while my English was very basic and very poor, I learned new vocabulary, answers questions and redaction of shorts paragraphs.
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    High School Language Experiences

    My spanish skills got even better because the grade skills were more complex, learned how to develop themes by making essays, read complex text and novels, the vocabulary was more extense. But my English wasn't that good at this point I could understand it a little bit, but couldn't speak it, learned how to make very shorts essays with much help, learned few new words.
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    Language Experiences during College

    My Spanish skills were very good develop I speak correctrly and properly, can write it good and read without problems. I had many hard times because I didn't understan so well the English because it was very basic. I learned more vocabulary words because I had to search for them in the dictionary since much of the book were in English, I could write essays but with the dictionary help, understand it a little bit, but still not speaking it much, only the basic.
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    Language Experience in Work

    Right now all the Spanish skills that I have learn along my life I'm teaching it to my students since I'm a Spanish teacher, but I feel that my English is stuck because I'm not practicing it at all because I teach Spanish, but still understand basic words because my English is very limited.
  • Language Experience during my English Certification

    Language Experience during my English Certification
    At present I'm doing my English Certification and I hope to be better. And hope to have my Certification.